
Ensuring the Best Medical Treatment, President Director of Pertamina Met Affected Patients of the Balongan Tank Incident

Jakarta, March 30, 2021 – One day after the T-301 Tank incident in the Balongan Refinery Area, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) visited and met injured patients referred to the Pertamina Pusat Hospital (RSPP). It is to ensure the six affected residents received the best medical treatment.

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, was accompanied by the President Director of Pertamedika IHC, DR. Dr. Fathema Djan Rahmat, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV, MPH, Director of RSPP Dr. Syamsul Bahri, MPH, and Head of Burn Unit of RSPP, Dr. Ayu Diah, Sp.BP.

While visiting to see the patients' condition, the President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, said Pertamina had assigned a Specialist Team and would continue to monitor the medical treatment of patients' affected by Balongan refinery incident at the RSPP Burn Unit.

"Patients are referred to RSPP for more intensive treatment, and the team of doctors here is ready to treat patients with better equipment. Currently, all patients are in stable condition," said Nicke.

Nicke said RSPP is one of the best hospitals in Indonesia in treating burns. To ensure that the patient's condition improves, the RSPP team of doctors continues to supervise and monitor the patient closely for 24 hours involving a medical team of plastic surgeons, internal medicine specialists, anesthetists, nutritionists, and nurses experienced in handling burn patients.

All efforts are given for patients' physical and post-traumatic psychological recovery. Therefore, all patients will recover soon.

"Pertamina will be responsible for all patient handling costs, including accommodation and family needs that accompany patients at RSPP," said Nicke.

Regarding the affected residents, continued Nicke, the residents have gradually returned to their homes. Meanwhile, for those who are still at the evacuation camps, Pertamina provides a healthcare post to check their health conditions and get treatment from Pertamina's medical team.

Maximum treatment is also given to 4 inpatients and outpatients at Pertamina Balongan Hospital. Pertamina will also provide psychologist consultation to anticipate the trauma after the incident.

"Pertamina Group will pray together for healing of all patients, the medical team and Pertamina's team as well as the public who are still struggling to deal with the incident and its effects," concluded Nicke. **

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