
Erick: Eco Idea Program for SOE Employees to be More Environmentally Conscious

Jakarta, April 3, 2024 - As a form of commitment from SOEs towards the environment and as a platform for demonstrating SOE employees’ creativity and concern for the earth and the environment, the Ministry of SOE held a series of competitions themed around Earth Day. This activity was held at the Ministry of SOE from March 8 until the end of April.

One of the competitions is "Eco Idea," an environmental innovation and sustainability competition for SOE employees. Notably, several renowned figures served as judges for the competition, such as the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, Special Staff V to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Tsamara Amany, CEO of Bidara Udara, Novita Natalia, Indonesian public figure and singer, Andien Aisyah, Co-Founder of Greatmind, David Irianto, and McKinsey and Company Consultant, Philia Wibowo. This event was also attended by the Ministry of SOE’s official and SOEs' Directors.

Minister of SOE, Erick Thohir, hopes this program not only educates but also promotes healthy thinking and makes Indonesia healthier by caring for nature and other aspects that will continue to be developed.

"Through this competition, I want to see the young generation’s creativity, the future leaders in SOE today. And I hope that this program is not only educational but also fosters a sense of responsibility among every SOE employee towards the environment that we will continue to develop," said Erick at the event.

A total of ten teams from SOEs and the Ministry of SOE have been selected to present their Eco Ideas in front of the judges. Participants will receive support to realize their ideas and be appointed as SOE Green Ambassadors.

"I will support these ten participating teams as a program, even though there must still be winners. The winners will proceed, but we will assist all ten programs so that the competitive value among employees to be the best remains while still maintaining brotherhood among SOE employees," continued Erick.

Out of the ten participating teams, one team has been chosen as the champion with the best Eco Idea, namely "Plastect" from PT Askrindo, with 82.78 points. Meanwhile, in second place, "Greenomina" from PT Pertamina achieved 82.60 points, and "Aviastainable" from PT Garuda Maintenance Facilities ranked third with 78.32 points. Additionally, as an Honorable Mention, "Eco Warrior" from PT Bank Mandiri scored 73.52 points.

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