
Facing Climate Change, Pertamina Lubricants Collaborate with The Community to Create a Kampung Iklim

Jakarta, October 4, 2022 - PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL), a subsidiary of Pertamina's Subholding Commercial & Trading that manages automotive and industrial lubricants domestically and internationally, has demonstrated commitments to deal with climate change. It is through establishing Program Kampung Iklim (Proklim) Gang Hijau (GH) Cemara 001 at RW 001, North Tugu Village, on Thursday (29/09/2022).

Proklim Gang Hijau Cemara 001 is one of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs located in the ring one area in one of the PTPL Production Unit Jakarta (PUJ) lubricant factories. Proklim GH Cemara 001 is present through a survey process and cross-stakeholder coordination regarding the conditions and opportunities in RW 001, North Tugu Village.

Corporate Secretary of PTPL, Rifqi Budi Prasetyo, said that the Proklim establishment purpose was to encourage community participation to adapt and mitigate climate change sustainably.

"As a company, we are aware that the company's operations will run well if there is a relation balance between the company and the community with various activities that can benefit the community and the surrounding environment. This recognition is our motivation to carry out community empowerment programs in all PT Pertamina Lubricants' operation areas," Rifqi continued.

Rifqi added that in implementing Proklim, PTPL provides Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) assistance such as training, facilities/infrastructure construction activity, supporting activity tools, and activities assistance. In 2022, PTPL has assisted IDR 180 million. The support of the GH Cemara 001 Proklim development will continue for the next five years, marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement at the end of the event.

Economic and Development Assistant of North Jakarta, Wawan Budi Rohman, who was present at the GH Cemara 001 Proklim inauguration, stated that Jakarta is one of the cities that has a vital role in climate change action. Therefore, ecosystem protection by environmental communities in the region is very important to mitigate climate change.

"The Proklim GH Cemara 001 shows collaboration across sectors in community development, between the government, the community, and the private sector. This is under the vision of Jakarta as a city of collaboration. PT Pertamina Lubricants' concern for the surrounding community also deserves our appreciation," Wawan continued.

Wawan representing the Mayor of the North Jakarta Administrative City, inaugurated RW 001 Tugu Utara as the Kampung Iklim. He hopes that RW 001 Tugu Utara be an example for other regions.

Januar Ajie, Head of RW 001 Tugu Utara, said that PTPL's presence increased enthusiasm to the community to do good for the environment. He hopes with this program, RW 001 community will be more advanced, healthy, and independent.

Also present at the inauguration were the Head of the North Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept., Head of the North Jakarta Environmental Sub-Department, Koja Police, Koja Military District Command, Koja  Deputy subdistrict head, Plt Tugu Utara village head.

Before the inauguration ceremony, grape and fish planting were carried out, as well as maggot cultivation and waste bank review. The activity was also enlivened by the MSME products bazaar from RW 001 and MSMEs assisted by TJSL PUJ.

This program is also PTPL's contribution to Pertamina's ESG program and the "Go Environmental," "Go Sustainable," and "Go Collaborative" pillars, as well as supporting SDGs number 13 achievement on Climate Change Management.**

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