
For Subsidies to be Right on Target, Pertamina Opens Registration on July 1, 2022, on the MyPertamina Website

Jakarta, June 29, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga opens vehicle registration and identity on the MyPertamina website as of July 1, 2022. From registration, users will receive a QR Code that can be used to purchase subsidized fuel at Pertamina petrol stations.

President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution, said this initiative was intended to do initial records and obtain valid data for a more targeted subsidized fuel distribution. 

"The registered users' data who have received this QR Code is part of the Pertalite and Solar distribution records so that they can be more targeted. We also can see the trend as well as who the users are. We do not require to use the application. We only need to register through the website, which will be opened on July 1," said Alfian.

To ensure that the implementation can be carried out smoothly, Alfian explained that registration is not difficult. The public can access the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id and prepare the required documents, including ID cards, vehicle registration certificates, vehicle photos, email addresses, and other supporting documents. After all the requirements have been fulfilled, the public must confirm 'register now'.

“The data that has been registered will be verified or matched with the conformity of the requirements. After everything is fulfilled in a maximum of 7 working days, the user will be declared registered and receive a QR Code via email or notified on the website," explained Alfian.

The public may attempt to fill out their vehicle information and identity again in accordance with the suggestions for any inadequacies if they receive a notification that their documents are missing or incompatible.

For convenience and to anticipate constraints in the field, apart from being accessed using the MyPertamina application, the QR Code received can also be printed out and brought physically to the petrol station when you want to refill Pertalite and Solar. The QR Code will then be matched with the data by the petrol station operator.

"People do not need to worry. The steps are very easy. The important thing is to make sure you have registered and the data has been confirmed. If you have received the QR Code, the transaction will run as usual," he added.

The initial location plan will be carried out in several cities and regencies, including Padang Panjang City, Agam Regency, Tanah Datar Regency, Bandung City, Sukabumi City, Tasikmalaya City, Ciamis Regency, Banjarmasin City, Yogyakarta City, and Manado. For other cities, registration will be carried out continuously to ensure the readiness of infrastructure and systems and accommodate new vehicles purchased by the public.

For further information regarding the process of distributing subsidized Pertalite and Solar using MyPertamina, the public can contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 and the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina.**

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