
From Survivors to Saviors: This is the Story of Pertamina Employees Donating Plasma

Jakarta, January 30, 2021 - Living the hard days under the coronavirus (COVID-19) and struggling to achieve maximum immunity, and now recovering gives birth to immeasurable gratitude for the survivors of COVID 19 in the Pertamina Group environment.

This feeling of happiness has led Pertamina's employees to be determined to help the community, patients who are still struggling to conquer this virus that attacks the respiratory tract. The Energy SOE workers are now actively participating in the campaign movement with the theme, From Survivor to Savior – Dari Penyintas menjadi Penyelamat, From Pertamina to Indonesia.

Through this noble movement, Pertamina will carry out convalescent plasma donors simultaneously on Friday, January 29, 2021, in many areas, namely Jakarta, Medan, Plaju, Cilacap, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, and Makassar.

Arya Dwi Paramita, who since the COVID 19 pandemic has remained in charge of visiting almost all company operating areas to monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Program and Pertamina's Program, in November 2020 must surrender to this worldwide virus.

"Having COVID-19 was very unpleasant. I had to go to ICU for seven days. Because of that, I have the intention, if I gets well and is healthy, I want to donate convalescent plasma to other patients who are still struggling in the hospital, "said Arya.

The man who currently serves as the Vice President of CSR & SMEPP Management of Pertamina has even donated his plasma twice, namely on December 29, 2020, and the second January 29 2021.

"Hopefully this can heal other friends and be back with family at home," said Arya.

Arya Dwi Paramita's enthusiasm to save others was passed on to Dwi Puja Ariestya, who is assigned as Vice President of Digital Enhancement & Technology of Pertamina.

"I know about convalescent plasma donors from social media and mass media. I would love to share with other patients. Incidentally, Mr. Arya invited me to join the plasma donor because our partner at Pertamina was in need of plasma. Hopefully this will become a value," said Dwi.

The voluntary movement from survivors to saviors also encouraged Ahmad Syafi Munawar, a worker in Pertamina's HSSE Corporate function, to participate in plasma donation. For him, benefiting others can be done in various ways. One of them is by becoming a convalescent plasma donor after recovering from COVID-19.

"I always want to provide the maximum benefit for others. Because of that, I was moved to become a convalescent plasma donor for friends who still have to fight against COVID-19. This is what I can donate for their recovery," said Ahmad.

The Convalescent Plasma Donor Campaign continues to be driven by Pertamina employees. According to Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations, Agus Suprijanto, there have been more than 100 Pertamina employees. It includes the head office, operating units, and subsidiaries who have become donors and are registered as potential donors of Convalescent Plasma donors.

This number is expected to increase with a massive educational campaign so that this movement will continue in the future, not only for Pertamina employees but also for the wider community.**

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