
Fulfilling President's Expectations, Tuban Refinery Exceeds FEED Phase Target

Jakarta, November 23, 2021PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary PT Pertamina International Refinery, Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PT PRPP), is accelerating Tuban refinery project implementation progress, following the President's direction. Currently, PT PRPP as the manager of the Tuban refinery project focuses on Front End Engineering Design (FEED) work implementation, which has reached 53.79% progress. This achievement has exceeded the target of 11.77% as of November 12, 2021. PT PRPP is also preparing the Early Work for Worker Camp construction work.

Kadek Ambara Jaya, President Director of PT PRPP, informed that the work carried out is related to land clearing for the construction needs of the Tuban refinery project, which has entered phase III. As of September 2021, it has reached more than 78%. "The land clearing process has reached the Jatipetengforest area of ​​125 hectares, of which 119 hectares have been acquired in the last nine months. This production forest containing 40,000 teaks (Tectona grandis) plants was originally managed by PT Perhutani and has received approval from the government to be exchanged for land acquisition for the TubanGRR project," explained Kadek. 

Kadek explained that Pertamina also ensures that the land acquisition for the Tuban refinery project for the Jatipetengindustrial forest area follows sustainability principles. Vegetation space for carbon dioxide absorption in TubanRegency will be maintained with the concept of a green refinery and reforestation in the project's coastal area as the "lungs of the city" to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in Tuban.

The approval for the use of forest land and logging of the teak plantation area was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry through Ministerial Regulation (Permen) No. 97 of 2012. Pertamina is obliged to allocate land elsewhere to be designated as industrial forest, namely in Banyuwangi, covering an area of ​​265 hectares, or twice the area of ​​the Jati Peteng forest. 

Kadek added that Pertamina is still currently measuring and acquiring land in Banyuwangi. After that, his party will carry out replanting (reforestation) on the replacement land so that the absorption of carbon dioxide emissions in East Java does not decrease. "In conducting land clearing of the Jatipeteng forest, we follow government regulations and must fulfill several requirements. Namely, a principle permit, technical studies from Perhutani, the Forestry Service, and an integrated team consisting of 11 institutions appointed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)," said Kadek.

Pertamina is also carrying out reforestation in Tuban Regency, precisely in the coastal area of ​​the Tuban refinery project site. Pertamina is planting 20,000 seeds of Sea Cemara (Casuarina equisetifolia). Thus, the function of carbon dioxide absorption in Tuban is not lost. According to research from the University ofNorth Sumatra (USU), Cemara Laut has a carbon absorption capacity of 154.36 kg/tree/year, or greater than the carbon sequestration of teak, which is only 135.27 kg/tree/year.

Kadek ensured that the blueprint and construction design of the Tuban Refinery refers to a sustainable green refinery. There will be a green path for carbon dioxide-absorbing vegetation and renewable energy usage in the form of solar panels. The environmentally friendly concept is expected to reduce the emission footprint of the Tuban refinery in the future and help achieve net-zero emissions in Tuban Regency.**

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