
G20 Potentially Provides Up To 70% Turnover Increase, MSMEs Overwhelmed with Orders

Jakarta, September 3, 2022 – The G20 meetings under the Indonesian Presidency began on December 1, 2021 and will culminate at the Bali Summit on November 15-16, 2022. However, MSME players, especially Craft and Food & Baverage products, have received an increase in orders of 70% from last August.

Uwais Craft, one of Pertamina's fostered partners, has received many orders, from RB Klungkung, Menparekraf, Menkop & UKM, as well as from local offices. Uwais Craft best-selling products are pouches, laptop bags, and tote bags made from Balinese woven fabrics, becomeing one of the most ordered products.

Rossi, owner of Uwais Craft, said that the Covid-19 pandemic impact had not fully recovered, so sales movement on the island of Bali was still challenging. Moreover, Uwais Craft products are premium products with limited market segmentation, which needed the right market.

"We were helped because the G20 was held on the island of Bali. Previously, the orders I received were around 50-75 pcs, but after the G20, my order increased to 100-200 pcs for one order, and I was able to finish it in 1 month," said Rossi.

Since joining Pertamina's fostered partner through the Klungkung Bali SOE House (RB) in 2021, Rossi has had many positive impacts. One of which is gaining insight into how to become an entrepreneur and determine the target market of the products, even though Rossi is only an ordinary home tailor.

With a strong determination and sewing skills that she had since high school, Rossi opened a business and at the same time introduced Balinese culture to a wider audience through Balinese woven fabrics.

"After joining RB Klungkung, I was taught how to sell products because no matter how good the product I produce, if there is no market, it will be useless," she said.

SPV RB Klungkung Sri said that with the G20 in Bali, the impact was recognized. Bali tourism has also re-opened. Thus, business actors, especially MSMEs in Klungkung Regency, are starting to get busy completing orders.

"I am very grateful that the G20 can be carried out on the island of Bali. Many foster partners recieved orders, thus increasing turnover up to 70%," she said.

VP CSR & SMEPP, Fajriyah Usman, said Bali would host the G20 Summit in November, where world leaders members of the G20 will be present. Pertamina made preparations to support MSME to take advantage of the international moment in introducing local products with unique artistic, traditional, and cultural values as well as quality and creativity that are as good as products from big brands.

"Bali is already well known. So it is not difficult to introduce local products to tourists, but don't be careless because we also have to innovate and develop new ideas so that the products are much more valuable and higher quality than before," said Fajriyah.

"Pertamina continues to provide support and assistance to fostered partners, where SMEs can transform through digital application towards Go Online and Go Global," she concluded.

Pertamina continues to support the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement through the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs implementation in all operational areas. It is part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.

Through MSME programs and the spirit of Energizing Your Future, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy-energy that fuels and an energy that produces sustainable growth. As well as to continue encouraging every Fostered Partner to become upgraded and Go Global MSMEs.

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