
Give Assistance to Go Digital, Jenk'Ranaa Instant Seasoning Expands Marketing to the Entire Country

Jakarta, March 6, 2021 - The efforts of PT Pertamina (Persero) through the Partnership Program to encourage the progress of its fostered MSMEs businesses continue to increase. One of them is by coaching towards Go Digital and Go Online. With these efforts, these MSMEs' marketing and sales reach can expand, therefore getting more profits.

It is implemented by one of Pertamina's fostered partners, Rana Sukma Taris. The owner of the Jenk'Ranaa Instant Seasoning SME was one of the Pertamina UMKM Academy participants at the end of 2020. It was in that program that she got several digital marketing tips and tricks. "It was from that program that I started to pursue digital marketing on social media and the marketplace," she said.

As a result, production has also increased along with the increase of orders every day. By being marketed digitally, its business's marketing reach is no longer within the scope of Makassar City alone. But it can go all over Indonesia thanks to the ease of online marketing. "Even several times, I got orders from people as souvenirs to Japan and Korea," she added.

Rana's business journey began in early 2014. She decided to quit her job and want to do business on her own. With her hobby of cooking, she also tried various spice recipes. "After several colleagues tried it, they said it was delicious, and in the end, it continued, and I ended up having lots of orders," she said.

Rana produces various mainstay spices typical of Bugis Makassar such as Coto Makassar, Sop Konro, Pallubasa, Palekko, and several other products. Rana also took part in making these spices. She ensures the quality of the seasonings so that they were guaranteed to be delicious and clean. Rana also avoids using chemicals that can harm the resulting product.

In running her business, Rana is assisted by four employees who are housewives for an additional income for their family. In line with the implementation of SDGs point 8, namely providing work and supporting the economy. Besides that, it is also a form of implementing ESG in the social sector.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto added, Pertamina will continue to make their fostered SMEs upgrade with the coaching roadmap for Go Modern, Go Digital, Go Online, and Go Global. "Pertamina will help so that these regional specialty products can go international and be recognized by the world community through exhibitions and efforts to sell abroad or export. Following the spirit of Energizing you, Pertamina always provides facilities and opportunities for the fostered partners to become more developed and independent," he concluded.**

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