
Go Collaborative, Pertamina NRE's Solar Power Plant Supports PIS to Become a Green Shipping Company

Jakarta, November 22, 2021 – Pertamina NRE supports PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) in realizing its aspirations as a green shipping company. One of which is by using solar power plants (PLTS) in its operational areas.

Pertamina NRE continues to oversee the energy transition within Pertamina. Pertamina NRE provides solar power plants as fossil energy-based electricity sources substitute, collaborating with other sub holdings in Pertamina. In September 2021, Pertamina NRE provided roof solar power plants for the PIS logistics building in Jakarta and carried out mechanical completion on October 10. The solar power plant is targeted to operate this year with 127.5 KWp capacity and an on-grid system.

"The solar power plants in the logistics building of PT Pertamina International Shipping is part of Pertamina's internal energy transition efforts," said Corporate Secretary of Pertamina NRE, Dicky Septriadi. "As a company with ambitions to become an environmentally friendly global energy company, socially responsible, and has good governance, Pertamina is targeting a 30 percent reduction in emissions resulting from operational activities by 2030," he continued.

PIS has ambitions to become a green shipping company. This aspiration is manifested in the use of environmentally friendly operational activities. One is a new Owned Ship construction with an eco ship concept designed to reduce exhaust emissions. The use of solar power plants in the operational area also supports this ambition.

As a subholding of Integrated Marine Logistics, PIS manages the ports at Pertamina's Fuel and LPG terminals. In the future, the cooperation between Pertamina NRE and PIS will also include the provision of solar power plants at the Tanjung Uban Fuel Terminal, Sambu Island Fuel Terminal, and Tanjung Sekong LPG Terminal. The potential capacity of solar power plants in the three locations is 5 MWp. The battery energy storage system (BESS) capacity is 8 MWh. Construction is targeted to start at the end of 2021.

Pertamina is fully committed to supporting decarbonization, as reflected in Pertamina's internally-focused energy transition. With the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects, sustainability is the DNA in business management at Pertamina.**

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