
Go Retail, Go Digital & Go Customer, Pertamina's Efforts to Improve Services in 2020

Jakarta, June 15, 2021 – Throughout 2020, when the Covid 19 pandemic hit the world, PT Pertamina (Persero) continued to improve services to the community by running three strategic programs of Go Retail, Go Digital, and Go Customer.

These three programs aim to increase energy access and improve services to achieve national energy security and independence.

In Go Retail, Pertamina carried out One Price Fuel, Pertashop, Gas Network Development (Jargas), Conversion of Fuel to LPG for Fishermen and Farmers, and construction of petrol stations on new toll roads. In Go Digital, the programs implemented include digitizing petrol stations and the MyPertamina application. For Go Customer, Pertamina implemented the Fuel & LPG Delivery Service (PDS 135) program with its supporting devices.

As a commitment to expand energy access throughout the country, which is also in line with the mandate of President Joko Widodo, Pertamina continues to realize the One Price Fuel program. During 2020, Pertamina has built 83 One Price Fuel points in the 3T (Front, Outermost, Disadvantaged) area. Pertamina has built 243 points in total One Price Fuel since 2017. Pertamina targets to build 500 fuel price points by 2024 so that all 3T areas have access to affordable fuel prices.

"One Price Fuel is a form of energy equality. Therefore, people in the 3T area who have had difficulty accessing fuel can have the same opportunity to get fuel. It has boosted the productivity and economy of the people in the 3T area so that they are more advanced and developed," said Acting SVP Corporate Communications and Investor Relations of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman.

In addition to One Price Fuel, in 2020, Pertamina has also built 1,088 Pertashop units in rural areas where there are no gas stations or far from gas stations. Pertashop development is carried out in collaboration with BUMDes, Cooperatives, Islamic Boarding Schools, and other community institutions. The objective is to not only help villages progress. But also to create new economic centers in rural regions that will help the country expand economically.

In 2021-2024, Pertamina targets to build 40 thousand Pertashop units in all rural areas and strategic locations. It is hoped that the presence of Pertashop can increase rural community access to quality and environmentally friendly fuel so that it will realize a clean and healthy Indonesia.

"In the Pertashop development, Pertamina has collaborated with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Ministry of Villages and PDT as well as the Sharia Economic Community and State-Owned Banks to facilitate access to capital," added Fajriyah.

In 2020, Pertamina has also built a gas network of 135,045 Household Channels (SR) from the target set by the State Budget of 127,864 SR. Pertamina Group has been tasked with constructing a 120,776 SRT household gas network in 2021 (jargas). In addition, through Subholding Gas, Pertamina is also implementing a gas grid development program outside the State Budget (APBN )to accelerate the achievement of the Government's RT grid connection target. To date, Pertamina has managed 503,601 SR gas lines in 17 provinces covering 63 cities/regencies.

Pertamina has also succeeded in converting fuel to LPG for 25,000 fishers in 42 districts/cities and 10,000 farmers in 24 districts. The goal is to not just be more efficient and cost-effective. But also to make renewable energy more accessible to Indonesian fishers and farmers.

Pertamina has also built ten toll petrol stations on the Trans Java and Trans Sumatra toll roads to facilitate drivers on new toll roads. The construction of petrol stations on toll roads will continue to be carried out sustainably in line with the Government's toll road construction.

In the Go Digital Program, Pertamina has succeeded in digitizing all Pertamina petrol stations or as many as 5,518 gas stations. With digitalization, Pertamina can monitor fuel stocks at all petrol stations to prevent fuel stock shortages. Pertamina can also monitor the distribution of subsidized fuel so that it is more targeted.

At the same time, Pertamina also continues to expand the use of the MyPertamina application to facilitate digital transactions at petrol stations. Until 2020, MyPertamina users have reached 7.3 million users.

The Go Customer program includes Call Center 135 as a Voice of Customer, which is always on standby 24/7. Pertamina has also expanded its fuel and LPG delivery service through the Fuel & LPG Delivery Service (PDS 135). PDS services are ready to serve orders from 5,930 sub-districts or most of Indonesia.

"With the support of all stakeholders, Pertamina will continue to improve services to the community, whether in urban, rural areas to remote areas or 3T areas. The goal is to build strong energy security throughout Indonesia," said Fajriyah.

This achievement is recorded in the company's operational performance report submitted by management to shareholders at the 2021 General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Monday (14/6).**

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