
Guaranteeing LPG Availability in Surakarta City, Pertamina Adds 14,600 3 Kg LPG Cylinders

Surakarta, July 29, 2022 – To ensure the 3 kg LG supply and meet the high demand in Surakarta City, Pertamina provides 3 kg LPG up to 14,600 cylinders facultative additions or extra dropping during the July 25 to August 6, 2022. It was stated by the Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the Central Java Region of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Brasto Galih Nugroho, through a press statement on Thursday (28/7) in Semarang.

"The additional facultative is beyond the regular 5,100 tubes distribution in the 25-30 July 2022 period and 9,500 tubes in the 1-6 August 2022 period," he explained.

Brasto revealed that the facultative addition was made with the increasing LPG consumption since Eid al-Adha in 2022.

"This month, there is around 0.5% increase in consumption from the normal consumption due to community activities such as weddings, hajj events, and other activities in various regions," Brasto explained.

Brasto revealed that the subsidized LPG proportion consumption compared to non-subsidized LPG in Surakarta City was 82% compared to 18%.

“3 kg LPG is intended for the lower class and micro businesses. For the upper class and businesses above the micro level or businesses in the small and medium class, is hoped to use non-subsidized LPG and not use subsidized LPG. Thus, the LPG subsidies can be right on target," he hoped.

Brasto added that his party urges the public to buy subsidized LPG at LPG bases and gas stations at prices that match the highest local retail price (HET).

"The LPG sufficiency indicators in the market are seen from the access availability to purchases at our official distribution channel, namely at the LPG base. We have 1,185 bases for 3 kg LPG throughout the City of Surakarta. The petrol station that sells LPG is also one step to make it easier for people to get LPG. With our facultative addition to these authorized agents and bases, we ensure that LPG supply conditions in Surakarta are sufficient and available on our official distribution channels," Brasto explained.

He revealed that Pertamina's efforts to ensure the 3 kg LPG is distributed on target are by conducting joint monitoring with the Trade Service (Disdag), the Resort Police (Polres), the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), and the National Oil and Gas Entrepreneurs Association (Hiswana Migas) Surakarta City. Done on Wednesday (27/7) by visiting two LPG bases, five stalls, and two grocery stores in Jebres and Banjarsari sub-districts to ensure that 3 kg LPG is distributed to eligible people.

"We are fully committed to ditribute in accordance with the quotas and regulations set by the government. We must maintain this quota by coordinating and involving the local government and the police. If there is a conspiracy and a criminal act of subsidized LPG misuse. It will be dealt with by the police in accordance with applicable regulations," Brasto said.

For more information on where the nearest agent and base, contact the Pertamina Contact Center at 135 by including information on the domicile sub-district and village.**

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