
Healthy Vibes: Pertamina Officers Healing Through Running

Jakarta, May 19, 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) promotes a healthy lifestyle among its employees by encouraging them to run.

Director of Risk Management of Pertamina, Ahmad Siddik Badruddin, stated that running promotes a healthy lifestyle and offer employees to interact in an informal setting.

Siddik further expressed his hope that this running activity can be conducted regularly and organized at all Pertamina locations. "This way, we can encourage all Pertamina employees to mitigate health risks and become healthier in the future," he added.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, added that this running event is like a mini eco-run festival that is held annually. "This time, it is called FRI RUN with the theme 'Stay Fit, Stay Energized,' and it is intended for Pertamina employees from the holding, sub-holding, and all Pertamina officers. The fun run covers a distance of around 5 km, which is enjoyable and healthy," explained Fadjar.

Fadjar also welcomed the positive response to the Fri Run from management and officers, hoping this activity can become a habitual energy booster among Pertamina officers throughout Indonesia.

Additionally, running offers numerous health benefits, from heart health to mental well-being.

Dr. Sidhi Laksono SpJP (K) FIHA, MARS, CPHM, a cardiologist at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP), mentioned that running is part of heart disease risk mitigation. He recommended regular exercise, suggesting running or jogging at least once a week.

"The millennial trend now also involves adopting a healthy lifestyle through running, which can also serve as self-healing amid the busyness of daily activities," explained Dr. Sidhi.

Dr. Sidhi added that besides heart health, running can maintain mental health. "When running, blood circulation to the brain increases, which helps the brain respond to stress and improve mood," he clarified.

FRI RUN took place on May 17, 2024, attended by Director of Business Support, Erry Widiastono; Director of Risk Management, Ahmad Siddik Badruddin; President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Riva Siahaan; President Director of PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS), Yoki Firnandi; along with other Pertamina officers.**

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