
Helping the Community to Recover from Disaster, Pertamina Peduli Distributes Over IDR 1 Billion Worth of Aid for Disaster Victims

Jakarta, January 22, 2021 -  PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Pertamina Peduli program, distributes aid in 3 provinces currently affected by disasters, namely South Kalimantan, West Java, and West Sulawesi.

As of today, the total aid given has reached IDR 1 Billion. From that amount, as much as IDR 200 Million is a form of a donation from Pertamina’s workers from operating units and sub holdings.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relation, Agus Suprijanto, informed that the aid given was 44% food aid, 30% in the form of equipment assistance both for public kitchens and equipment in their shelters and others. 21% in the form of medicines and medical personnel, and the rest is fuel for heavy equipment to search for victims and modes of transportation for the evacuation of victims, rubber boats, and life jackets.

“Pertamina group has become one to unite our energy to help recover the affected area from disasters while coordinating with local government/BPBD,” said Agus

As an energy SOE, Pertamina, through the Pertamina Peduli program, distributes fuel and LPG aids for the community in disaster areas and logistic needs to help ease the burden of refugees or disaster victims.

“This is Pertamina’s commitment in supporting the government for the recovery after a disaster and help the disaster victims to rise as quickly as possible,” said Agus.**

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