
High Enthusiasm, Subsidized Fuel Registrants Reach 50 Thousand Vehicles in Four Days

Jakarta, July 5, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina (Persero) reported there are 50,000 vehicles registered four days since registration for consumers who want to register their vehicles as subsidized fuel (Biosolar and Pertalite) users opened.

"Since July 1 until today, we have received very high enthusiasm from people who have registered their vehicles on the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id," explained Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting.

Registration is still open for consumers who wish to register their vehicles as subsidized fuel recipients. Apart from going directly to the subsiditepat.mypertamina.id website, registration can also be accessed through the MyPertamina application. Currently, the MyPertamina application users have also increased by 4 million within four days from various regions in Indonesia. The great enthusiasm to become MyPertamina users shows that motorized vehicle users are enthusiastic about the steps taken by Pertamina.

To facilitate registration, people who do not have mobile phones can come to the registration booth provided at Pertamina petrol stations. Some officers will help people register.

"We see that understanding and awareness in the community has been built regarding the subsidized fuel distribution for the right target. Various registration channels (website, application, and petrol stations) have also worked well. Therefore, registration will be continued until all Indonesians entitled to subsidized fuel register. Let's make sure the right people consume subsidized fuel," said Irto.

For information on the mechanism for registering subsidized fuel, the public can contact Call Center 135, check the link https://mypertamina.id/faq-subsidi-tepat, Instagram @mypertamina, and @ptpertaminapatraniaga.**

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