
Implementing Go Digital Assistance Received from Pertamina, Wire Jewelry Tewetewe Art Products Penetrates Asian Markets

Jakarta, March 7, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Partnership Program, always provides intensive assistance to its fostered partners so that they can progressively upgrade. This method is done through several programs, one of which is the Pertamina UMKM Academy. During 2020 alone, there were 795 Pertamina's fostered SMEs that were declared to have upgraded.

One of them is Mohamad Fatih. The owner of UKM Tewetewe Art has experienced many changes in his business after joining Pertamina in 2013. He has done a lot of transformations, especially in terms of product marketing. "The Go Digital knowledge provided by Pertamina supports the progress of my business," he said.

Apart from that, Pertamina also helped Fatih to introduce its products to a broader scope. Either through digital promotions or exhibitions held at a national level. "Before becoming Pertamina's partner, we only participate in small-scale bazaars and expos in the regions," he added.

Fatih said that Tewetewe Art itself is a business engaged in wire jewelry. He produces pendants, necklaces, bracelets, crossbars, and various other copper wire accessories combined with natural stone. "Initially, I was a reseller of people's products. However, because the wholesale location is far away, I finally learned myself to make products from different materials," he said.

The market opportunities which have a significant potential make their business grow too. This can be seen from the increasing number of workers. Previously, it was only done together with his wife. Now, four employees help his business. The net turnover pocketed by Fatih per month can reach more than IDR 10 million.

This is inseparable from marketing which is quite intensively carried out. For social media himself, he posts a lot of his product catalog on Instagram @teweteweartjewelry. Besides covering all Indonesian regions, Fatih has marketed its products to several Asian countries such as China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Japan, and Taiwan.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, added that Pertamina supports innovations like Fatih's. According to him, SMEs must continue to compete to produce good and different products so that they are more attractive to customers. "This innovation can make these SMEs more developed and upscale, and have an impact on job opportunities and support economic growth, which is the implementation of SDGs point 8 and ESG in the social sector," Agus concluded.**

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