
Increasing Sharply, Pertamina Secures Energy Supply During Lebaran Homecoming & Return Flow

Jakarta, May 10, 2022 Two years after the last time people traveled during Eid al-Fitr, homecomers in 2022 was recorded as very large. It is also proven by fuel consumption increase for homecomers. At the homecoming flow peak on D-2, fuel consumption increases by up to 41% compared to normal conditions. It is much higher than the initial estimation, in which the average during the homecoming period increased by 11%. 

Seeing this significant increase, the President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero), Alfian Nasution, said that for the return flow, Pertamina prepared the same anticipation. Based on JasaMarga's records, Saturday (7/5/2022) was recorded as the highest return flow 'in the history of toll roads in Indonesia, where more than 170 thousand vehicles moved from the east to Jabodetabek via toll roads, increasing 2.2% compared to 2019 or 159% compared to 2021. 

"In the return flow, Pertamina succeeded in fulfilling the fuel needs of homecomers, which increased by +29% at its peak. The figure looks lower because of a more flexible distribution of return flow homecomers. Pertamina served all homecomers, and every day we continue to monitor so that stock and distribution at petrol stations run well to fulfill the extraordinary fuel needs throughout this homecoming and return flow," explained Alfian.

The trend of homecomers' fuel consumption can also be seen during the return period of D+3 to D+6. The area with the highest increase in consumption occurred in Brebes Regency, with an increase in consumption reaching 813 Kilo Liters (KL) per day or an increasing 120% compared to the average of only 368 KL/day. The regions with the next highest consumption are Kebumen Regency, 678 KL/day or an increasing 119% compared to normal conditions of 309 KL/day, and TegalRegency with 743 KL/day or an increase of 102% compared to normal conditions at 366 KL/day. 

The record was not only broken on land routes. The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) noted that aircraft and passengers movement at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport reached the highest record since the pandemic on Sunday (8/5/2022) or D+5 Lebaran, predicted to be the return flow peak. It was recorded there were 1,130 flights with 150,000 passengers. 

"This is also evident from the Avtur consumption at the return flow peak last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which increased by +24% nationally," continued Alfian.

Alfian, on behalf of Pertamina, also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of SOEs, Police, TNI, Jasa Marga, Telkom, Banking, Regional Government, and all parties involved in supporting the smooth operation and success of Pertamina's energy services during the Ramadan and Eid 2022 Task Force. 

"All Pertamina's services will not be realized without coordination and synergy with all relevant parties. Thank you for supporting the smooth fuel and aviation fuel distribution. Together we have succeeded in securing the community's energy needs throughout the homecoming, return flow, and during Eidal-Fitr 2022," stated Alfian.

Pertamina Patra Niaga is also alerting the 2022 Ramadhan and Eid al-Fitr Task Force Team (RAFI Task Force) until May 16, anticipating people still traveling. For further information regarding Pertamina Siaga products and services, the public can contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135.

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