
Jambaran Tiung Biru Potentially Drives Economic Zone Improvement

Bojonegoro, March 21, 2022 - PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Zone 12  East Indonesia Region Subholding Upstream Pertamina operationgthe JTB gas project, scheduled to onstream in the middle of this year, has a strategic role in meeting energy needs and as a generator for the regional economic zone. It was conveyed by Yudi Adhi Purnama, Head of the PSN Division of the Energy & Technology Sector KPPIP, during a working visit to JTB in Bandungrejo Village, Ngasem, Bojonegoro, East Java, Thursday (17/03).

The energy generated from the Jambaran – Tiung Biru (JTB) Gas Unitization Field Development Project has the potential to encourage economic zone growth. Therefore, the success of this project, which is in the completion phase, is awaited by various parties, including the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP) formed by President Joko Widodo.

The Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) Gas Unitization Field Development Project is one of the energy sector's National Strategic Projects (PSN) included in the list of Accelerated Implementation of National Strategic Projects set by President Jokowi through Presidential Decree No. 109 of 2020. KPPIP, who is  assigned to oversee the implementation of PSN, continues to monitor and encourage project completion to be completed and is beneficial for the national interest.

During the work visit, Yudi expressed his hope related to one of the largest gas fields in Indonesia. He hoped that there will be synergy between various parties for this energy project’s success. "JTB is very important. This project is beneficial for the area around here because it can encourage economic growth here. Of course, in addition to ensuring energy availibility for East Java and Central Java," Yudi said.

KPPIP's work visit to JTB is an effort to mitigate the challenges in this project. The pandemic condition that lasted for two years in Indonesia has made several PSNs, including the JTB gas field project, experience various challenges. The challenge factors encountered will be inventoried before being coordinated with the relevant institutions to find a solution.

Edy Purnomo, JTB Site Office & PEPC PGA Manager, during hisopening remarks at this activity, hoped that KPPIP's work visit could encourage the PEPC team who continue to do their best to complete this project. "Thank you for visiting Mr. Yudi and his team. Of course, this visit will encourage us in completing this project successfully," he said.

The JTB project is expected to become one of the largest gas producers in Indonesia, with192 million gas production capacity of standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). This gas project with a CAPEX value of US$ 1.5 billion will provide Jawa with a large gas supply in the future.

During this visit, the KPPIP group received a comprehensive explanation from  Eki Primudi, Acting Senior Project Manager of JTB, onthe development of the JTB project and an overview of the surrounding environment. After the presentation and discussion, the activity continued with a site tour to see firsthand the conditions at the Gas Processing Facility (GPF) and well pad Jambaran East (JE). During the visit, participants continued to apply strict health protocols.**

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