
Joint Commitment between PHE ONWJ and the West Java Forestry Department for Environmental Preservation

Bandung, November 17, 2024 – Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ), part of Pertamina’s Regional Java Subholding Upstream, and the Forestry Department of West Java Province signed a Joint Commitment on "Forest and Land Rehabilitation and Community Service in the North Coast Area of West Java." The agreement was signed by the Head of the West Java Forestry Department, Dodit Ardian Pancapana, and Senior Manager of Relations of Pertamina Subholding Upstream Regional Java, Agus Suprijanto, at Taman Hutan Raya Juanda, Bandung, on Thursday (October 7, 2024).  

This commitment is part of a significant effort to preserve the environment and is a tangible implementation of PHE ONWJ’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program. Furthermore, it highlights the technical expertise collaboration between institutions to ensure community and environmental sustainability development programs.  

In his remarks, Dodit Ardian Pancapana emphasized one of the key focuses of this commitment is the appropriate technology implementation called appostraps (wave breaker, wave dampener, and sediment traps), which have been installed and proven to impact several coastal areas of West Java positively.  

“Appostraps are a simple yet highly beneficial innovation for preventing coastal erosion while restoring land lost due to abrasion. The sedimentation formed through appostraps installation becomes new land, which is then utilized for mangrove planting, thus maintaining coastal ecosystems,” Dodit explained.  

He also stressed the importance of cross-sector collaboration in preserving forests and improving community welfare around forest areas. “Preserving forests and maintaining environmental sustainability cannot be achieved by one party alone. This collaboration proves that the government and the private sector can synergize toward a common goal. I hope this commitment inspires other companies in West Java to participate in environmental conservation efforts,” Dodit added.  

Meanwhile, Agus Suprijanto expressed his gratitude to the West Java Forestry Department for its support in realizing this collaboration. “As a subsidiary of SOE in the energy sector, we are strongly committed to working with communities and stakeholders to build and sustain our homeland. Our goal is to provide added value not only economically but also in terms of health, education, and the environment,” Agus said.  

Agus also underscored the importance of sustainability in every TJSL program. “We believe that corporate social and environmental responsibility programs not only provide direct benefits but also serve as long-term investments in building strong communities and sustainable environments. Through this collaboration, we hope to see tangible and lasting results for the coastal communities and the environment in West Java,” he added.  

Appostraps, an innovative solution for tackling coastal erosion, have been patented by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia. Appostraps implementation has proven effective in addressing abrasion and fostering sedimentation in coastal areas across three regencies in West Java: Dusun Pasir Putih and Sukajaya Village in Cilamaya Kulon Subdistrict, and Ciparagejaya Village in Tempuran Subdistrict, Karawang Regency; Mayangan Village in Legonkulon Subdistrict, Subang Regency; and Balongan Village in Balongan Subdistrict, Indramayu Regency.  

Made from used tires, appostraps are significantly more cost-effective than other abrasion prevention methods, such as geobags or concrete embankments. With easily accessible materials and affordable installation costs, appostraps are also simple to assemble, making them easily replicable anywhere.  

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