
Kilang Pertamina Plaju Ensures Continued Operation and Guarantees Sufficient Fuel Supply During Nataru

Palembang, December 26, 2021 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) Refinery Unit Plaju ensures that fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production remains normal throughout the 2021 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays. 

General Manager (GM) of PT KPI Refinery Unit Plaju, Edy January Utama, said PT KPI Refinery Unit Plaju also ensures that the refinery will operate normally. "We make sure, during the Nataru holiday, the Pertamina Plaju refinery will continue to operate 24 hours," said Edy.

He continued that the distribution of fuel and LPG to Fuel Terminal (TBBM) in the Southern Sumatra did not experience any problems during Nataru. "With normal refinery operations, the availability of refined products to be distributed to TBBM is guaranteed. Therefore, people do not have to worry," said Edy. 

Edy added that all  PT KPI Refinery Unit Plaju employees would carry out the sustainability of refinery operations mandate. "Both in normal times and an increase in public demand for fuel and LPG, such as during the Nataru holiday," he added.

For information, during January - November 2021, PT KPI Refinery Unit Plaju has produced 16,393,357 barrels of fuel and 89,385.60 MTon of LPG. Daily fuel production of 80.55 MBSD, where the demand is 77.59 MBSD. As well as for LPG daily production reaches 420 MTon with a total demand of around 400 MTon.

Edy also hopes for support from the entire community so that the Pertamina Plaju refinery can continue to give its best contribution. "Although the Pertamina Plaju refinery is the oldest refinery in Indonesia, we will continue to work optimally to meet the country's energy needs," he concluded.**

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