
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Reviews Pertamina's Readiness in Welcoming Eid al-Fitr Holidays in Surabaya

Surabaya, April 4, 2024 - The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) reviewed Pertamina's readiness to face the long holiday of Eid al-Fitr 2024. The review was conducted by visiting Pertamina facilities in Surabaya on Thursday, April 4, 2024.

Minister Arifin Tasrif visited the Ngagel 54.601.100 petrol station and the Integrated Terminal Surabaya. Also present were the Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, the Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of Pertamina, Alfian Nasution, and the Director of Regional Marketing of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo Putra.

From the visit, Arifin conveyed that Pertamina was ready to ensure fuel and LPG supply during the homecoming and Eid holidays. It was ensured that the stock and distribution were sufficient and running smoothly.

"In general, the fuel stock resilience is in good condition, above 20 days for pertalite and solar," said Arifin.

To ensure that people’s fuel and LPG needs are fulfilled, Arifin stated that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, through BPH Migas with Pertamina, had formed a Task Force (Satgas), which started on March 25 - April 21, 2024.

For this year's Eid homecoming flow, a 5% increase in fuel consumption is estimated from normal. To anticipate this, Arifin urged Pertamina to prepare more fuel stock.

"By learning from previous years, it is hoped that it can mitigate (fuel consumption needs) during this year's peak homecoming flow. So that the Task Force team can monitor its stock, logistic fleet, up to the Human Resources who must be on standby," said Arif.

Not only from the stock readiness side, Arifin also monitored Pertamina's product quality by conducting Tera testing at the Ngagel petrol station. The testing results showed good quality.

"From the Tera measurements earlier, the accuracy is great according to consumer protection," Arifin said.

Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of Pertamina, Alfian Nasution, stated that Pertamina's services had been prepared in prime condition. Tera meter flow checks from the petrol station dispensers also complied with meteorological regulations.

"The accuracy of the dispensers in the petrol stations is excellent. Thus, I believe that from the fuel terminal and petrol station sides, Pertamina is ready to serve Eid in 2024," explained Alfian.

Alfian added that following other regions, Pertamina Surabaya had also prepared 24-hour standby services. All infrastructure has been prepared, including 115 Fuel Terminals, 30 LPG Terminals, more than 7,400 petrol stations, 723 LPG Agents, 5,027 LPG Retailers, and 71 LPG Distributor filling stations.

"We have prepared standby LPG agents as well as modular petrol stations at rest areas that do not have petrol stations. Meanwhile, pockets for tanker trucks and motorist delivery service are also prepared in case customers get stuck in traffic," concluded Alfian.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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