
Oil Spill Restoration Continues, Pertamina Provide Food Aid For Marho Mulyo and Kariangau Resident

Balikpapan – It the midst of oil spill restoration in Balikpapan Bay, Pertamina continues to take social action by giving aid to the affected resident. Pertamina providing staple foods package to resident of Margo Mulyo and Kariangau Sub-district.

Region Manager Communication & CSR Kalimantan Yudy Nugraha explained, this aid is a follow-up of social activities that have been done since April 1, 2018.

“We are grateful that this aid is well received bu the resident of Margo Mulyo and Kariangau. Earlier, we also providing food aid for residents in Margasari, Kampong Baru, Semayang, and Penajam,” Yudi said.

In addition, Pertamina has also conducted social action with the community by restorating the environment, built health post in four villages, and consistently conducting gas test to ensure that the gas level is on normal level.


Untill the 11th day since oil spill in Balikpapan Bay, investigation in on progress. Pertamina continues the recovery of oil spill in Balikpapan Bay. As the water was cleaned up, Pertamina sent out oil spill cleanup verification team to identify the level of oil content in a number of affected areas. The verification process that started on Tuesday (10/4) was conducted on four zones of affected area.

Region Manager Communication & CSR Kalimantan Yudy Nugraha explained, the affected areas divides into four zones representing each sub-district.

“These four zones are Balikpapan Barat, Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan Kota, and Penajam,” he said.

Zone 1 consist of Baru Tengah Village, Baru Ulu Village, Kariangau Village, Margasari Village, and Margo Mulyo Village. Zone 2 consist of Prapatan Village, Klandasan Ulu Village, Klandasan Ilir Village, and Damai Village. Zone 3 consist of Damai Bahagia Village, Damai Baru Village, Gunung Bahagia Village, and Sepinggan Village. Zone 4 consist of Penajam Village.

Yudy explained, the verification team will ascertain the current condition of the affected areas. It is important that there is a common standard for all affected areas.

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