
Paloh People to Enjoy BBM 1 Harga

Paloh – Director of Downstream Supervision BPH Migas, Ir. Harya Adityawarman, Committee Member of BPH Migas Muhammad Ibnu Fajar, Members of Parliament DPRD Commission 7 and General Manager Operation Region VI Kalimantan, Yanuar Budi Hartanto together inaugurate SPBU Modular di in Paloh, Sambas District, West Kalimantan.

SPBU Modular is part of One Price Fuel Program. Currently, Pertamina has realized 26 points of fuel distributor in 3T region across Indonesia. In Paloh, SPBU Modular 65.794.001 will sell Solar products for Rp 5.150/liter, Premium Rp. 6.450/liter and Pertalite Rp 7.700/liter.

Similar with the other distributors in the program, SPBU Modular 65.794.001 is located in areas that are difficult to access. To distribute the supply, Pertamina sent fuel from Pontianal Fuel Terminal which is 260 km away with travel time up to 8 hours. The land which is partially still in dirt makes Pertamina tanker difficult in travelling and potentially get mired in raining condition. Tankers also cross river using ferry boats that must be rented specifically so that the cost of transporting fuel per liter is high. For one tirp, tankers can load 8 KL Fuel.

In Kalimantan, Pertamina realizing fiver from 15 target points of One Price BBM which is (1) Long Apari, Mahakam (2) Jagoi Babang, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan (3) and Krayan, North Kalimantan and which was just inaugurated last August consist of (4) Danau Sembuluh, Seruyan. (5) SPBU Paloh, Sambas.

To distribute fuel to Long Apari, East Kalimantan, the distribution from Samarinda must go through landline which takes up to 10 hours and the fuel will be transferred to motorboat tankers to Long Bagun and will be transferred again to a 200 liters drum by using long boat, trucks, and finally by using ketinting to distributors in Long Apari.

As well as Seruyan District SPBU, Danau Sembuluh, supplied by Sampit Fuel Terminal which is 200 KM away with road condition 70% still in dirt, so that it will take six to seven hours of journey.

One Price Fuel implemented by the government to seek cost equalization across Indonesia and as one of President’s Instruction (InPres) implementation. This policy also realizing Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 36 2016, about the Acceleration of One Price Specific Fuel Type (KBT) & Specific Fuel Type Assignment (JBKP) nationally since 1 January 2017.

During his speech at the inauguration ceremony, Regent of Sambas expressed his appreciation to Pertamina which has implemented One Price Fuel the program in Paloh, Sambas District.

"As the representative of Tanah Hitam Villagers, I also thank Pertamina for bringing about justice in the field of energy for the local community, hopefully the channeling in the future will work well," said Atbah Romin.

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