
Partnering with Student Organizations, Pertamina Welcomes Cipayung Plus Student Organization Visit to Balikpapan Refinery

Balikpapan, August 31, 2024 – Pertamina, through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit and PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB), welcomed a visit from the Cipayung Plus Student Organization to the Pertamina Refinery in Balikpapan on Thursday (08/29). A total of 33 students from various organizations were welcomed by the Corporate Secretary team of PT Pertamina (Persero), the General Manager of PT KPI Balikpapan Unit, and the President Director of PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB).

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina (Persero), Brahmantya Satyamurti Poewardi, expressed Pertamina's full support to students interested in conducting scientific research related to Pertamina. "We hope this visit will inspire students to start researching and writing. We are ready to support the necessary data to ensure their scientific papers are more accurate," said Brahmantya, known as Tiyok.

Cipayung Plus is a coalition of eleven student organizations: Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI), Islamic Student Association (HMI), Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII), Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), Catholic Student Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI), Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI), Indonesian Muslim Student Action Union (KAMMI), National League of Democracy Students (LMND), Islamic Union Student Association (HIMA PERSIS), Hindu Dharma Student Union of Indonesia (KMHDI), and Indonesian Buddhist Student Association (HIKMAHBUDHI).

Furthermore, Tiyok encouraged the Cipayung Plus students to continue working together to achieve common goals for the nation's advancement. "Thanks to friends from Cipayung Plus, who represent the young generation of Indonesia, for visiting Balikpapan. Let's collaborate to unite our voices and spirit in maintaining national energy resilience," Tiyok added.

As a commitment, Pertamina is open to receiving any aspirations from students for the company's business progress. The activity was attended by students from various backgrounds, each representing their respective student organizations.

The General Chairman of the National League of Democracy Students (LMND), Muhammad Asrul, was enthusiastic about collaborating with Pertamina to maintain energy security. "Today, Pertamina and friends from Cipayung Plus conducted an industrial visit to the Balikpapan refinery. It is a strategic step given the current situation. We are facing an energy crisis, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Thankfully, Pertamina has started to develop and continuously increase our oil production so that we are not dependent on oil imports from other countries. Therefore, the Cipayung Plus group must support and encourage energy independence, as this is a global challenge," Asrul said.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pertamina also invited Cipayung Plus students to visit the refinery so they could directly observe the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project at the Balikpapan Pertamina Refinery, which is currently undergoing capacity enhancement. Pertamina also held a session on Pertamina Group's business processes, presented by speakers from three subholdings: Eviyanti Rofraida from Subholding Upstream, Hermansyah Y Nasroen from Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, and Heppy Wulansari from Subholding Commercial & Trading. This presentation aimed to provide a clearer picture of Pertamina's business from upstream to downstream.

Corporate Secretary of KPI, Hermansyah Y Nasroen, welcomed the visit to the Balikpapan Refinery. "As a critical link in Pertamina's business chain, KPI plays an essential role in safeguarding national energy sovereignty. The Cipayung Plus visit to the Balikpapan Refinery is a great opportunity for friends to witness one of the largest National Strategic Projects aimed at strengthening Indonesia's energy resilience,"  Hermanyah said.

Similar to Hermansyah, the Corporate Secretary of PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan, Asep Sulaeman, emphasized that the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Balikpapan project has a very positive impact on the economy of Balikpapan City. "The RDMP Balikpapan project not only increases refinery processing capacity but also has a highly positive multiplier effect on the economy of Balikpapan City, including for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and Pertamina's fostered partners," Asep said.**

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