
Director of Bioenergy at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Edi Wibowo, Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations (DKPPU), M. Mauludin, Vice President of Process & Facility of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), Arief Budiyanto, inspecting the bio avtur test location during the 2023 Bioavtur Testing on Engine Test Cell of GMF Asia event at Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF) Building in Tangerang on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

Passing Static Test, Pertamina Continues Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Development

Tangerang, July 29, 2023 - Pertamina, as the national energy company, continues to develop environmentally friendly fuel innovations, one of which is the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) development for commercial aircraft. Pertamina has successfully conducted static tests of SAF on CFM56-7B jet engines commonly used in commercial aircraft at GMF Aeroasia's Test Cell facility.

This trial is the first step to ensure that SAF is feasible for use in commercial aircraft. Pertamina is pushing for SAF to be adopted for commercial flights after previously successfully flying military aircraft type CN 250 using SAF in 2021.

Following the successful static test results, the SAF product will enter the next testing phase, including Ground Round and Flight Test.

Pertamina, through its Research & Technology Innovation (RTI), Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), and Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN), with the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Transportation, ITB, APROBI, BPDPKS, LEMIGAS, BRIN, Garuda Indonesia, and Garuda Facility Maintenance, is actively supporting this series of SAF product tests.

VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, stated that Pertamina produces SAF through co-processing, a method that produces green fuel by processing vegetable oil feedstock and petroleum simultaneously into green hydrocarbon, namely bio aviation fuel (bioavtur). SAF production is currently carried out at RU IV Cilacap.

"As an energy company, Pertamina strives to respond to global challenges by producing green fuel, namely SAF, for the aviation industry in Indonesia," said Fadjar.

Furthermore, Fadjar explained that SAF is developed as one of Pertamina's efforts to implement energy transition programs and to achieve the NZE 2060 target, where all Pertamina Group business lines collectively develop green fuel innovations.

"This SAF product is developed in collaboration with various functions and sub-holdings within Pertamina and is produced by Pertamina Refineries. We believe that through this established synergy, we will continue to move forward in developing SAF as a key milestone and Biofuel or Green Energy acceleration in Indonesia," Fadjar concluded.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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