
Perempuan Pelestari Anyaman Purun Wins Best of The Best AJP 2022

Jakarta, December 17, 2022 - "Perempuan Pelestari Anyaman Purun" by Mhd. Febrinanda Primadana from DAAI TV Medan won the highest award, Best of the Best, on the Pertamina Journalistic Award (AJP) 2022 night, Friday, December 16, 2022 evening.

The award was handed over directly by the Director of Portfolio Strategy and Business Development, A. Salyadi Saputra, and Acting Head of the Press Council, M Agung Dharmajaya, at the Grha Pertamina Ballroom.

With this achievement, he will receive cash prizes, trophies, certificates, and short courses abroad.

Deputy Chair of the Press Council, M Agung Dharmajaya, also the AJP 2022 National Jury Council, said the journalists' work from the Sumbagut region was great that it deserved the Best of The Best title.

"This work can be a trigger for journalists in local media on how interesting content is presented nicely," said M Agung Dharmajaya.

The National Jury Council, Syamsuddin Ch Haesy, said the work entitled "Perempuan Pelestari Anyaman Purun" is relevant to the theme, Energizing Your Future, and worked out very nicely.

Riza Primadi considers that this work has interesting ideas and stories that make the audience immersed in the story.

Meanwhile, Maman Suherman said that technically, the videography work was done in an extraordinary way, not just as a public relations show.

Mhd Febrinanda Primadana expressed his gratitude and happiness for Pertamina's appreciation for his work.

"I did not expect to get this far," he said.


Director of Portfolio Strategy and Business Development, A. Salyadi Saputra, representing President Director of Pertamina, said AJP implementation was inseparable from Pertamina's strong desire to participate in encouraging journalists to produce quality works and raise public awareness that builds national energy security, independence, and sovereignty is our responsibility.

"To our journalists who won the AJP 2022, we express our appreciation and congratulations. For those who have not had the opportunity, keep up the enthusiasm to continue working, and Welcome to AJP 2023 with the theme Pertamina Energizing Your Life!” he said.

Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina (Persero), Brahmantya S. Poerwadi, in his report, said that AJP 2022 was participated by 2,424 works from 10 territories. Namely, Northern Sumatera (Sumbagut), Central Sumatera (Sumbagteng), Southern Sumatera (Sumbagsel), West Java (JBB), Central Java (JBT), East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara (Jatimbalinus), Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku – Papua, and DKI Jakarta.

"We would like to thank the journalists who continue to be loyal and enthusiastic about participating in AJP 2022. AJP's work continues to increase both in terms of quantity and quality," said Brahmantya.

AJP 2022 was attended by journalists throughout Indonesia and produced 19 National Champions and 170 Territory Winners. The winners were divided into six competition categories, namely, the Print Media Category, Online Media, Radio Media, Television Media, Photo Essay, and Pertamina's CSR-UMKM Category.**

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