
Pertagas Educates Semi-Organic Agriculture to East Kutai Community

July 20, 2022 - Pertamina's Gas Subholding, through its affiliate, PT Pertamina Gas Operation Kalimantan Area (Pertagas OKA), conducted Training and Assistance in the Demonstration Plots (Demplot) for Semi-Organic Agriculture TAMAN Sidrap implementation with a fostered group in Martadinata Village, Teluk Pandan District, East Kutai.

This training aims to provide direct understanding through horticultural agriculture pilot applications that can reduce farmers' operational costs and improve soil contaminated with many chemicals. This semi-organic farming application also helps soil to obtain nutrients naturally.

The training was attended by 20 members and the Permata Jaya Farmers Group administrators. Dwi Dally Mulyanto, an organic farming activist and consultant from Bontang, was present as the speaker.

During this training, Martadinata Village farmers were introduced to semi-organic agricultural products and how to use a smoke distiller. It is an innovation by Pertagas and its fostered partner, the Permata Jaya farmer group.

This collaborative distillator is made by utilizing non-B3 waste material from SKG Bontang Pertagas and can convert liquid smoke into vegetable pesticides that can be reused by farmers.

Communication Relations & CSR Manager of Pertagas, Elok Riani Ariza, said, "Through this training and demonstration plots, farmers get real examples of semi-organic agricultural cultivation processes. We hope that in the future, farmers can adopt the information, technology, knowledge, and skills obtained in this training."

The Head of Martadinata Village, Sutrisno, appreciated this activity. “The training organized by Pertagas in Sidrap is very useful for farmers. Substitution of chemical fertilizers with semi-organic fertilizers will help farmers to reduce agricultural costs. Pertagas' role is not only to provide training but also to assist and ensure farmers can maximize the knowledge they have gained,” said Sutrisno.

The training was carried out in stages over two days. Namely on Saturday (16/7) and Monday (18/7). Material debriefing activities and demonstration plot implementation were carried out on agricultural land belonging to the Permata Jaya farmer group, Martadinata Village.**

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