
Pertagas Group Wins 6 Awards at the 2022 CSR and Sustainable Village Development Awards

Jakarta, June 24, 2022 - PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), as an affiliate of Pertamina's Gas Subholding, won 6 awards at the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Village Development (PDB) Awards 2022 held by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia.

Pertagas has won 1 Gold category for Operation East Java Area, 4 Silver Categories for Operation West Java Area, Operation South Sumatera Area, Operation Kalimantan Area, PT Perta-Samtan Gas, and 1 Bronze category for Operation Central Sumatera Area.

The Gold category award was presented by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Ma'Ruf Amin, to the Director of Engineering and Operations of Pertagas, Mrs. Rosa Permata Sari. The Silver and Bronze category awards were presented by the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Mr. Abdul Halim Iskandar, and received by representatives of the management of each Pertagas area.

The Pertagas group received the six awards in recognition of their contribution in fostering the expansion and development of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in the communities around Pertagas' operational areas in East Java, West Java, South Sumatera, and East Kalimantan.

Pertagas Director of Engineering & Operations, Rosa Permata Sari, said the company would continue to strive to partner with BUMDes and the community to encourage village progress.

"Pertagas is very grateful for the award given by the Ministry of Villages, PDT and Transmigration. In the future, Pertagas will continue to build partnerships with BUMDes and the community to build villages and grow the seeds of business entities that will later become village drivers," said Rosa

Pertagas won the Gold Category award through the Daya from the Heart program which was implemented in Penatarsewu Village, Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. Through this program, Pertagas seeks to help the community in optimizing Penatarsewu Village's potential, which is famous as the Smoked Fish Village in Sidoarjo. Not only encouraging economic growth, but Pertagas, in partnership with BUMDes Sewu Barokah Penatarsewu, also invites the community to manage the environmental impact of smoking fish and household waste. Currently, BUMDes Sewu Barokah Penatarsewu has also been able to reduce the operational costs of pond farmers in his village through self-sufficiency in fish feed through BSF maggot cultivation by utilizing organic waste from the Penatarsewu community and surrounding villages.

Pertagas also won four Silver categories through the Trans Sidomulyo Tourism Village program in Muara Enim Regency, the Sidrap TAMAN program in East Kutai Regency, the Kawat Cinta program in Karawang Regency, and the Pangsa Widaya program in Prabumulih City, South Sumatera.

The Trans Sidomulyo Tourism Village Program was initiated by Pertagas to help solve economic and environmental problems in Sidomulyo Village, Gunung Megang, Muara Enim. In 2019, the Sidomulyo Village residents experienced a decrease in income because the oil palm plantation owned or managed by the community was entering a replanting period. Through collaboration in environmental management between the community, Pertagas, BUMDes, and the Muara Enim Regional Government, Sidomulyo Village has won the Proklim Lestari Village title from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This program also led Pertagas to win an award as a Climate Village Development Company in 2021.

The TAMAN Sidrap program, or Sidrap Independent Farmer, is a program implemented by Pertagas in Martadinata Village, East Kutai Regency. The background of the program is that the community has limited access to assets and access to peatlands. However, seeing the potential of horticultural agricultural land and the spirit of the community, Pertagas is optimistic that Martadinata Village can develop for the better.

Kawat Cinta or Wanita Tani Gapai Impian dan Cita-cita Group initiated by Pertagas, responding to Tanjung Village, Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang Regency as a Food Prone Village, status according to data from the Karawang Regency Agriculture Office in 2017 - 2019. Through the traditional food business development in the form of crackers and herbs by utilizing local resources, Pertagas encourages the vulnerable groups of Tanjung Village to turn into village movers. The income from this can help finance education and nutrition improvements for early childhood in Tanjung Village and motivate youth to work through cricket cultivation.

The Pangsa Widaya (Pangkul Tourism and Cultural Village) program, which is fostered by PT Perta Samtan Gas in Pangkul Village, Cambai District, Prabumulih City, has the main program Koppaja Waste Bank (Pemuda Pangkul Jawa Community) where activities include a 3R gallery, compost house, biodigester, and solar cell. This program involves three hamlets in Pangkul Village that also carry out aloe vera cultivation and processing aloe vera into superior products. The Widya Share Program has received the Main Proklim award in 2018.

Pertagas also brought home one award in the Bronze category for the TERSARING program in Musi Banyuasin Regency, to be precise, Gajah Mati Village, Babat Supat District.

In the TERSARING program, Musi Banyuasin Regency, Pertagas, together with the community, turned 2.5 hectares of critical land into productive land through the Embung Senja Ecotourism Friendly and Environmentally Aware Park (TERSARING) program. The FIRST program for Embung Senja also brought Gajahmati Village to the 2021 Sumsel Tourism Village Enchantment Award as the Third Best Tourist Attraction in South Sumatera.

Going forward, Pertagas is committed in collaborating with village governments and communities to develop each region's potential. Therefore, it can support the government's programs in improving the welfare and economy of the community around the company's operational areas.**

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