
Pertagas Socializes Gas Pipeline Safety Aspects in Dumai

Dumai, March 4, 2022 – PT Pertamina Gas as a Gas Subholding of Pertamina is committed to the security and safety aspects of gas distribution operations by carrying out the socialization of the Right of Way (ROW) Operation Dumai Area (Pertagas ODA) for gas transmission pipelines of Duri - Dumai segment open access in Bukit Kayu Kapur Village, Bukit Kapur District, Dumai.

The socialization activity was carried out in the village office hall on Thursday (24/02/22), attended by sixty residents, and health protocols is implemented during the pandemic. As the event leader Operation Supervisor of Siak Pertagas ODA conveyed the purpose of the socialization.

Pertagas ODA routinely carried out gas pipeline ROW socialization in areas that are passed by Pertagas' gas pipelines. "This activity is important so that the community knows activities that should not be done around gas pipelines, such as activities that cause fire, dig soil, and construct permanent or semi-permanent buildings. Including the prohibition of heavy equipment crossing over gas pipelines," said Yusrizal.

Through this activity, it is hoped that the community can maintain the security and safety of the gas pipeline together. Pertagas ODA also informs the emergency contact number and the steps that the community must take if there is an emergency around the ROW.

Apart from the community, the socialization in the Bukit Kayu Kapur Village was also attended by representatives of the Village Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK), the head of the RT, Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas, and the Village Head of Bukit Kayu Kapur, Muajin. Muajin welcomes this socialization activity which is considered important for the community.

"This is the first time the community has received education regarding the existence of gas pipes in our village. Thanks to Pertagas. With this socialization, residents become more aware of the safety aspects that must be complied with and what to do if a leak occurs," said Muajin.

Separately, Elok Riani Ariza, Manager of Communication, Relations & CSR of Pertagas, said that Pertagas would continue to encourage the community to work together to maintain vital national assets for energy availability and the security and safety of the environment and surrounding communities.**

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