
Pertamina, along with the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Hydro Oceanography Center of the Indonesian Navy, conducted field verification at the Onshore Receiving Facilities (ORF) of Pertamina's West Madura Offshore Gresik in East Java for the restricted and prohibited areas' determination.

Pertamina Accelerates Restricted and Prohibited Areas Determining Process to Increase Security and Smooth Installation Operations

Bangkalan, May 4, 2023 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continuously improving operational safety and security standards by accelerating the Restricted and Prohibited Areas (DTT) determination process in the Pertamina Group's operational areas, especially the offshore operations installations.

It was demonstrated through a field verification activity of the offshore installations in the West Madura Offshore area on Thursday, May 4, 2023, with the Pertamina Group, Directorate of Navigation of the Ministry of Transportation, Directorate of Engineering and Environment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), and the Hydro-Oceanography Center of the Indonesian Navy.

This step is EMR Regulation No. 32/2021 implementation concerning Technical Inspection and Safety Examination of Installations and Equipment in Oil and Gas Business Activities.

The Restricted and Prohibited Areas determination is important to protect the installations, shipping actors, and water users. The Restricted Area is a form of restriction on ships from dumping or unloading cargo in certain areas. Based on government regulations, the width of the Prohibited Area does not exceed 500 meters from the outermost point of the offshore installation, while the Restricted Area does not exceed 1,250 meters calculated from the outermost points of the prohibited area.

The VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, explained that the integrity of oil and gas installations is not only influenced by compliance with applicable regulations and standards but also requires mitigation efforts related to the safety and security of oil and gas installations.

"Pertamina Group's oil and gas operational areas have many high-risk installations. Therefore, preventive actions and continuous monitoring are needed to ensure oil and gas installations’ safety and security," he said.

Furthermore, Fadjar explained that the acceleration of the DTT determination is Pertamina's effort to continue strengthening HSSE in its operational areas, not only for operational safety and security but also to increase shipping safety.

DTT determination includes installations under the Refinery & Petrochemical Subholding, Upstream Subholding, and Commercial & Trading Subholding. As of mid-April 2023, 11 DTT recommendations have been obtained, thanks to the strong synergy with the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of ESDM, and the Indonesian Navy's Hydro-Oceanography Center.

Pertamina management expressed their highest appreciation and gratitude to the Minister of Transportation, especially the Directorate of Navigation of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, as well as the Minister of EMR, especially the Directorate of Engineering and Environment of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of EMR, and the Hydro-Oceanography Center.

The Directorate of Navigation of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and the Directorate of Engineering and Environment of Oil and Gas of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas consistently act as accelerators, leading, overseeing, and synergizing with the Pertamina Group and other regulators in accelerating DTT recommendations to achieve the agreed-upon acceleration targets between the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of EMR, and the Indonesian Navy's Hydro-Oceanography Center.

Director of Navigation, Capt. Budi Mantoro stated that the Restricted and Prohibited Areas (DTT) determination is essential to maintain operational smoothness and increase the safety and security of sea transportation in Indonesian waters.

"With the DTT implementation, the operational boundaries of ships can be determined, thus preventing ship accidents. We also appreciate Pertamina Group for always providing good contributions in the preparation of accurate and valid recommendations. We also encourage that the established DTT be equipped with Navigation Aids for Shipping (SBNP) that fulfill the requirements and are supported by operators who meet international qualifications," said Capt. Budi.

At the same time, the Director of Oil and Gas Technical and Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mirza Mahendra, also provided full support by directly leading and initiating a strategy to accelerate Pertamina's DTT completion.

"It is hoped that all offshore facilities operated by the Pertamina Group will be completed by June of this year," said Mirza.

Pertamina's DTT installations in mid-2023 is a tangible form of Pertamina's efforts to improve the safety and security of installations in the waters. It is important to ensure the smooth operation that directly contributes to the guarantee of energy supply for the community.**

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