
Pertamina and PTPN XI Synergy, Distribute Rp 110 Billion Partnership Funding for 3400 Sugarcane Farmers

Lumajang – PT Pertamina (Persero) distribute partnership funding for Rp 110 Billion to 3400 sugar cane farmers by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (PTPN XI). This funding symbolically given by VP CSR & SMEPP PT Pertamina (Persero), Agus Mashud to Commercial Director PTPN XI Flora Pudji Lestari together with representatives of sugarcane farmers in Jatiroto Sugar Factory, Wednesday (11/10).

“Melalui kerjasama sinergi penyaluran dana Program Kemitraan BUMN pembina ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan optimalisasi pelaksanaan Kemitraan BUMN dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani tebu rakyat dan masyarakat sekitarnya, karena budidaya penanaman tebu merupakan usaha yang mempuyai kaitan agribisnis yang cukup panjang sejak dari penyediaan bibit, sarana produksi, usaha budidaya sampai panen,” ujar Agus Mashud.

"This funding program is expected to increase the optimization of BUMN Partnership implementation. This also increase the income of sugarcane farmers and its surrounding community because the sugarcane cultivation is an effort that is related to agribusiness from the provision of seeds, production facilities, cultivation until harvest, "said Agus Mashud.

Agus explain, the partnership during 2017/2018 planting period will lasts for 14 months, from plantation process and TMA (Cutting, Loading, Transporting), until process of crop cutting by PTPN XI towards sugarcane farmer as part of the process collecting for loan repayment to Pertamina Partnership Program.

“The distribution will be done in four phase. The first phase will be distributed for 10 Billion, second step for 40 billion, third stage for 30 billion and fourth stage 30 billion so the total of 110 billion is expected to finish on December 2017 and will be absorbed maximally by sugarcane farmers, according to the rainy season so that it will also maximize plantation period,” said Agus.

Commercial Director PTPN XI Flora Pudji Lestari explained, since KKP-E (Food Security and Energy Credits) removed, the distribution of Pertamina partnership funding as leading SOE to PTPN XI as distributing SOE become one of the effort to increase sugarcane productivity and income of sugarcane farmers that can avoid them from land sharks.

“Program kemitraan ini juga menjadi wujud kepedulian Pertamina dan PTPN XI sebagai BUMN untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani tebu rakyat dan masyarakat sekitarnya serta dalam mendorong percepatan tercapainya program swasembada gula nasional yang dicanangkan Pemerintah,” ujarnya.

"This partnership program is also a manifestation of Pertamina and PTPN XI concern as an SOE to increase income and welfare of sugarcane farmers and surrounding community and in accelerating the achievement of national sugar self-sufficiency program launched by the Government," he said.

Previously in 2016, a similar partnership program has successfully distributed by Pertamina to sugarcane workers in PTPN X working area for Rp 69 Billion during 2016/2017 plantation period.

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