Jakarta, November 2, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) appreciates the Government's support through the Ministry of Finance, which has paid compensation for fuel for the 2022 first semester of IDR 137.62 trillion (including taxes) or IDR 118.62 trillion (excluding taxes).
The fund is a compensation for the difference between the formula's selling price and the retail selling price at the petrol station for certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) and special types of fuel for assignment (JBKP) Pertalite distribution whose values ​​have been reviewed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
"We thank the Government for accelerating the fuel compensation funds payment that has been distributed by Pertamina in 2022 first semester. The compensation funds have entered the company's treasury, and this is the Government's full support for Pertamina in carrying out subsidized fuel distribution assignment," said Nicke Widyawati, President Director PT Pertamina (Persero), in Jakarta.
According to Nicke, appreciation to the Government was also conveyed for its support for Pertamina's activities in carrying out government programs to realize energy sovereignty throughout Indonesia through the One Price Fuel program.
For this reason, Pertamina urges and invites the public to appreciate the Government, who continues to protect people's purchasing power by providing subsidized fuel, namely JBT Solar and JBKP Pertalite. Although, this causes a relatively large subsidy and fuel compensation burden.
"We urge the public to consume fuel wisely and start switching to consuming a more environmentally friendly fuel to support the Government," she added.
Nicke said that Pertamina would continue to make efforts for the subsidized fuel to be optimally consumed by the entitled people. These efforts include; information technology utilization to monitor the subsidized fuel purchase at petrol stations in real-time to ensure that the consumers are the people who have the right.
The second is the program to strengthen digitalization facilities and facilities at petrol stations. As a result, more and more petrol stations are connected to Pertamina's digitalization system, thus facilitating monitoring and supervision.
Third, Pertamina continues to increase cooperation with Law Enforcement Officials (APH) to improve supervision and take action on the subsidized fuel misuse that does not follow its designation.
Fourth, Pertamina continues to encourage the public to register for the Appropriate Subsidy Program via the website to identify eligible consumers and monitor JBT Solar and JBKP Pertalite consumption.
Moreover, Nicke said that Pertamina continues to make operational cost efficiency both at the Holding and Subholding levels. As of September 2022, the cost efficiency program realization at Pertamina Group has reached USD 535.56 million or around IDR 7.83 trillion.
"Pertamina continues to strengthen the subsidized fuel's provision and distribution, to be more efficient and optimal with the government and the community support," conveyed Nicke.**