
Pertamina Appreciates Police Revealing Subsidized Solar Misuse in Central Java

Pati, May 26, 2022 - Pertamina appreciates the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Indonesian National Police for arresting suspects for abusing and hoarding subsidized diesel fuel in Juwana, Pati, Central Java, last May (17/5). 

The arrest of the subsidized fuel smuggling case in Pati, Central Java, is the 38th case secured throughout 2022. Nationally, the subsidized fuel smuggling cases occurred in Northern Sumatra (Sumbagut), Southern Sumatra (Sumbagsel), West Java (JBB), Central Java (JBT), Jatimbalinus, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku-Papua. 

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, supports the steps taken by the National Police to arrest any person who smuggles subsidized fuel throughout Indonesia.

Nicke added that many smuggling and misuse of subsidized fuel cases need clear regulations and strict law enforcement so similar case will not happen again.

Pertamina will not tolerate any petrol station individual who acts against the law, smuggling subsidized fuel, like in Bungo Regency, Jambi Province, or Pangkal Pinang Regency, Bangka Province petrol station. Pertamina will be giving a coaching sanction, which is stopping the supply of petroleum gas for one month because it was proven to have misused subsidized fuel.

"We appreciate and fully support the Police who have taken action against the misuse of subsidized fuel so that it can be used properly by the people who are entitled to it," Nicke said.

Subsidized fuel is the under privileged right to obtain an affordable energy price. Therefore, any misuse of subsidized fuel is a criminal act against the law, and the perpetrators will face law enforcement officers.

"In subsidized fuel, the state budget flows, which we must control so that it is not distorted," Nicke said. 

The subsidized fuel misuse is carried out in various modes. Such as repeat filling mode by slinging cars with modified tanks or trucks. It was purchased with jerry cans, without receipts, through third parties, and more. 

Dwi Puja Arestya, Executive General Manager of Pertamina Patra Niaga in Central Java, stated during a press conference with the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit in Pati that subsidized fuel misuse and hoarding is a crime because it is very harmful to society and the state. 

"This kind of abuse practice causes harm to the community, especially subsidized diesel fuel users such as public transportation and fishermen whose rights are taken away by irresponsible people. Thus, the subsidies provided by this state are not well targeted, Ari said.

The police has taken proper steps against the  perpetrators. Pertamina Patra Niaga as the operator assigned by the state in distributing subsidized fuel, fully supports the police's efforts to oversee and supervise the distribution of subsidized fuel. 

Furthermore, Ari also explained that Pertamina's business suffered losses due to the practice of Illegal fuel. "Industrial fuel sales in the fisheries sector have decreased by 32% due to the practice of illegal diesel fuel," Ari said. 

Ari also added that it was not only Pertamina that suffered losses from this practice. The state's revenue from Value Added Tax or VAT was reduced because the illegal fuel seller did not deposit VAT like industrial fuel sold through official distributors.

Pertamina urges the community to collectifly oversee and supervise the subsidized fuel distribution, and if there are indications of fraud, report to the police and call Pertamina Call Center at 135.**

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