
Pertamina Collaborates with MES & BSI to Accelerate Pertashop Development for Islamic Boarding School Independence

Jakarta, June 5, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to accelerate the development of the Pertamina Shop (Pertashop) to realize the independence of Islamic Boarding Schools by collaborating with the Islamic Economic Community Association (MES: Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah).

Pertamina and MES will collaborate to expand the Pertashop business and financing options within the Sharia Economic Community. As an energy SOE, Pertamina will use the network of Islamic Boarding Schools in the MES environment to develop the energy distribution network by building 1000 Pertashop units.

IMES collaborates with Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk that provides financing through the People's Business Credit (KUR: Kredit Usaha Rakyat) facility, investment financing, and the provision of other banking facilities.

The collaboration began with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, the Secretary-General of MES, Iggi Haruman Achsien, and President Director of BSI, Hery Gunardi. It was witnessed by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, K.H. Ma'ruf Amin, and Chairman of the Sharia Economic Community, Erick Thohir, in Jakarta on Friday, June 4, 2021.

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, explained that Pertamina had built partnerships with various parties to develop Pertashop. Pertashop is expected to make it easier for the public to get environmentally friendly fuel, namely Pertamax, at the same price as petrol stations. Previously, Pertamina had also built Pertashop in Islamic Boarding Schools. Through this collaboration, the presence of Pertashop in the Islamic Boarding School environment will increase.

"The presence of Pertashop in Islamic Boarding Schools within the MES network is Pertamina's commitment as a state-owned enterprise, in the distribution of quality energy, and moving the national economy from the village level through MSMEs and empowering small communities with affordable investments," said Nicke.

To optimize the Pertashop's Domestic Component Level (TKDN), she added, Pertamina is also synergizing with other SOEs in the modular fabrication production process along with several other private manufacturers.

"This collaboration is a definite step for Pertamina in fulfilling energy to the rural level, driving the regional economy, encouraging people to become entrepreneurs, and educating people to use environmentally friendly fuel," added Nicke.

Secretary-General of MES, Iggi Haruman Achsien, welcomed the collaboration with Pertamina as one of the state companies that care about community empowerment.

Pertashop, he believes, would be a comprehensive initiative that would contribute to the strengthening and economic independence of Islamic Boarding Schools.

"We from MES welcome this program. The presence of Pertahsop is a breath of fresh air for the economic ecosystem of Islamic Boarding Schools in empowering the people's economy. We hope that this Pertashop will also bring partial benefits not only for Islamic Boarding Schools but also for the village community," he said

On this occasion, BSI President Director Hery Gunardi expressed his support as a sharia-based banking institution.

BSI is committed to supporting the independence of Islamic Boarding Schools through the provision of KUR financing or working capital and investment financing for the establishment of Pertashop and other product services that support Pertashop operations.

Through the BSI network spread throughout Indonesia, these banking products and services can be accessed on an inclusive basis by various segments, including Islamic Boarding Schools.**

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