
Pertamina Expands Trial of Using the Right Subsidy QR Code

Jakarta, March 10, 2023 - The number of applicants for the Subsidi Tepat program continues to increase, reaching more than 5 million vehicles in early March. For good response and active participation of the community, Pertamina expanded the trial area as of March 9, 2023.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, explained that his party expanded the trial of subsidized fuel transactions using the Subsidi Tepat QR Code in Cities/Regents in the Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua regions.

"The expansion of the trial area has been carried out in stages since December 2022. In early March, the QR Code trial for Solar Subsidized transactions was expanded in 141 Cities/Regencies. Meanwhile, the QR Code for Pertalite trial transactions was expanded to 19 cities/regencies. For those who do not have a QR Code, they will also be served and be directed to register on the Subsidi Tepat website," said Irto.

The Subsidi Tepat Program aims to record vehicles using Pertalite and Solar. Through data collection, it is hoped that subsidized fuel distribution can be better monitored and prevent fraud or abuse in the field. So subsidized fuel is channeled to entitled people.

"Currently, Pertamina Patra Niaga continues to conduct socialization and education regarding registration procedures, as well as testing the readiness of QR Code verification. We also continue to monitor the progress of the Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014, which is the reference regulation for determining the distribution of subsidized fuel," he added.

Subsidi Tepat Registration is open for four-wheeled vehicles. Pertamina has also collaborated with Korlantas Polri regarding the vehicle data synchronization for the Subsidi Tepat program.

The documents needed to register a vehicle on the Subsidi Tepat website, include KTP, vehicle STNK, vehicle photo, email address, and other supporting documents. To register vehicles in the Precise Subsidy program, the public can access the https://subsiditepat.mypertamina.id/ page.

"If people need information or have problems, they can contact Pertamina Call Center 135," said Irto.**

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