
Pertamina Gas Subholding Collaborates with Various Industries to Boost National Economic Growth

Jakarta, 12 November 2021 – PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina's Gas Subholding collaborates with various parties to contribute and boost the national economy by providing natural gas services. To achieve this, PGN maintains synergy with industry, which is in line with Pertamina Go Collaborative commitment as the locomotive of the national economy and industry.

The industrial and commercial sectors contributed the largest sales section of PGN Group's accumulated gas sales. The sales of natural gas to industrial-commercial customers as of September 2021 disclosed at 481 BBTUD to serve 2,371 PGN Group customers.

“PGN strives to maintain capabilities and develop infrastructure to increase the accessibility of gas utilization for the industrial sector. Therefore, business performance efforts continue to be made in order to provide a multiplier effect, including increasing the power of industrial products and employment," mentioned PGN Director of Sales and Operations, Faris Aziz, (12/11/2021).

The realization of gas distribution to industry-commercial in the Sales Operation Regional I (SOR I) area which includes Medan, Dumai, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Batam and Lampung is 54 BBTUD. SOR 2 realized 303 BBTUD in Jabotabek, Karawang, Cirebon, and Cilegon. While in SOR 3 which includes Semarang, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, and Bojonegoro, it is 124 BBTUD.

Faris continued, PGN also continues to support the competitiveness of industrial customers in various sectors, including in the Industrial and Special Economic sectors. Currently, PGN serves around 75 Industrial sectors, with a total of 636 industrial customers, including chemical, ceramics, food, metal fabrication, glass, paper, base metals, steel, textile, cement, fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, wood, and others.

According to Faris, industrial estates are part of the industrialization process that can be used to create job opportunities, boost product competitiveness and economic growth. As an alternative source of energy or raw material, natural gas for the industry is hoped to be more optimally utilized in both existing and new markets. Of course, with upstream to downstream infrastructure support integrated.

Synergy efforts and cooperation between Subholding Gas and industrial sectors are consistent with the commitment of Oil and Gas Pertamina Holding Go Collaborative, namely to develop a collaboration between internal and external stakeholders in order to support the national economy and industry.**

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