
Pertamina Gives Go Digital Coaching, Processed Coconuts Products Foster Partner Interest More People

Jakarta, January 29, 2021 - The process of marketing MSME products during the current pandemic is more dominated digitally. For this reason, Pertamina, through the Partnership Program, intensifies the guidance on digital literacy for small businesses. One of them is like what was done in the Pertamina UMKM Academy program, held at the end of 2020.

One of the MSMEs that has implemented this guidance is Asmah Mappanganro. The Conutcos MSMEs owner, which produces various processed coconut, has begun to explore the digital world to market its products. She has made several products such as shredded, serundeng, coconut oil, coconut cake, and other products, which are better known and targeted to all groups.

"In the program, the input we can absorb is how we can maximize social media for promotion. Starting from the website, google business, Instagram, Facebook, several e-commerces to making interesting posts and determining what ads effectively attract the market through social media is the most dominant. For our social media, it can be seen under the name conutcos.id," she said.

Apart from digital marketing, Asmah admitted that she received much input regarding her products' packaging design. Especially in designing the contents in the packaging, it is more attractive to consumers, both domestic and foreign. "This input is very valuable because it makes our products more elegant," she added.

Apart from the benefits in the form of coaching, this business is located on Jalan Poros Pallangga, Sungguminasa, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi is also declared to have met the requirements to become MSMEs to graduate. She and several other Pertamina UMKM Academy participants were registered to get certification from BPOM and Halal MUI.

The marketing reach of its products in the country includes Makassar, Kendari, Manado, Surabaya, Bandung, and Jakarta. However, Conutcos products have begun to be taken out by people going for hajj/umrah or via personal shopper abroad for Indonesians who live there. Conutcos has also participated in several international exhibitions in several countries such as Dubai, Japan, and Thailand and received a positive response from buyers there, indicating that Conutcos products have quality and are ready for export.

To meet the increasing need for product orders, Asmah empowers at least seven people to help her. That number will continue to grow as product demand increases. This is done to implement ESG in the social sector and implement SDGs point 8, providing work and supporting economic growth.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, said Pertamina would intensify similar coaching for all its MSMEs. This is done so that MSMEs can be adaptive and quickly rise from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Hopefully, the MSMEs will be able to develop and upgrade with the effective guidance and mentoring carried out by the Pertamina Partnership Program," he concluded.**

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