
Pertamina Groups' Contribution to Help Fight Covid-19 Reaches IDR 1.4 Trillion

Jakarta, August 31, 2020 – Pertamina's contribution to fighting COVID-19 was recorded at IDR 1,4 Trillion. One of which absorbed the total realization was the renovation of Pertamina Jaya Hospital (RSPJ). It includes the modular hospital of RSPJ in Patra Comfort and the construction of the modular hospital of RSPP Extension in Simprug. 

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that the renovation and construction of the hospital are followed by the increase of health facilities, such as the increase of the total capacity to 460 beds in RSPJ and RSPP Simprug. Every room is also equipped with interactive CCTV, Negative Pressure with Exhaust Fan equipped with HEPA Filter, and Bibo Filter or a special filter for viruses. Pertamina also provided 315 units of ventilators and high-tech machines for the COVID-19 test laboratory so that they can carry out tests of up to 1,000 tests/day.

As a commitment to medical personnel, continued Fajriyah, Pertamina dedicates 353 rooms in Patra Jasa Hotel and other lodging accommodations to become a resting place for almost 700 medical personnel. Pertamina also distributes more than 260 thousand complete Personal Protective Equipment (APD) to medical personnel in many hospitals, health centers, and government institutes.

"In RSPJ, we also added two media robots, which functions to reduce direct interactions of medical personnel and patients. Therefore, the risk of transmission can be reduced," she added. Health aid is also distributed to 124 hospitals, 112 public health centers, and 82 integrated health centers through Pertamina Group's synergy throughout Indonesia.

Fajriyah continued, another assistance was provided to the community in the form of distribution of more than 1.1 million pairs of gloves, more than 4.8 million masks, and 33 thousand liters of hand sanitizers. Along with disinfections at religious places, schools, gas stations, and other public facilities, which reached nearly 13 thousand disinfection location. Pertamina has also provided 30 thousand liters of disinfectant, 113 units of the disinfectant chamber, more than 8 thousand units of portable sinks for public health centers, and other public facilities. There are nearly 150 thousand packages of ready-to-eat food/staple foods distributed to medical workers, journalists, informal sector workers, and marginalized people.

Apart from playing an active role in helping the government fight Covid-19, Pertamina also maintains the economy of those who are business partners, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), who are Pertamina's fostered partners.

Fajriyah informed that the sales of MSMEs products supported by Pertamina reached IDR 9.7 billion. A total of 596 MSMEs fostered by Pertamina and SOE Creative Home Partners are ready to support Covid assistance by producing more than 10,000 products in the form of multivitamins and herbs, honey, soap, hand sanitizers, disinfectants, masks.

"Pertamina will continue to do everything possible to be at the forefront in helping to deal with Covid-19, helping MSME players to survive and continue to be a driving force for national economic growth amidst the challenges we are facing together," concluded Fajriyah. **

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