
Pertamina Inaugurates 7 One Price Fuel Distribution Institutions in Kalimantan

December 15, 2021 - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan, together with the Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH), inaugurate 7 points of fuel oil distribution agencies through the One Price Fuel program.

The symbolic inauguration was carried out at the Banjarmasin Fuel Terminal on Tuesday, December 13, 2021. The One Price Fuel is a form of the equitable energy program for people in the 3T (Front, Outermost, Disadvantaged) area.

Since the beginning of the One Price Fuel program in 2017, Pertamina has built  323 distribution agencies throughout Indonesia, following Presidential Regulation No. 63 in 2020. In  2021, Pertamina built 80 petrol stations, which exceeds the initial 76 locations target set by the government.

Pertamina is targeted to build a total of 573 petrol stations by 2024. Meanwhile, in 2021, the Kalimantan Region has succeeded in achieving the target set by the government. It includes 23 One Price Fuel petrol stations, including 3 in Central Kalimantan Province, 1 in South Kalimantan Province, 14 in West Kalimantan province, and 5 in North Kalimantan province.

"Pertamina, in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and BPH Migas, inaugurated 7 One Price Fuel points. It is to ensure equitable energy for our brothers and sisters who previously had limited access to affordable energy," said Freddy Anwar, Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan.

Freddy added that the distribution of One Price Fuel continues to increase every year. In 2021 the volume of fuel distributed to the public has reached 101,896 KL. It shows that the One Price Fuel program has provided easy access to energy at the same price to 3T areas throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the BPH Migas Committee, Abdul Halim, expressed his hope for One Price Fuel for the community. "One Price Fuel is not only to support energy distribution throughout the country but also to encourage economic growth and community productivity in the area," he said.

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