
Pertamina is Ready to Serve on Every Homecoming Route

Semarang, April 28, 2022 - Entering the Eid al-Fitr 1443 H homecoming season, Pertamina ensures that all fuel (BBM) filling facilities are ready to operate and serve consumers needs on every homecoming route, especially in the Central Java province and Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the Central Java Region of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Brasto Galih Nugroho, in a press statement (25/4), explained that Pertamina had divided 5 scenarios for refueling services based on possible homecoming routes.

"These include the Trans Java toll road, the North Coast route (Pantura), the Middle route, the South route, and the South Coast route (Pansela) or the Daendels route," explained Brasto.

Trans Java Toll Road Main Focus

Brasto said that the Trans Java toll road is one of the main homecoming routes that is the focus of Pertamina's attention in anticipating fuel demand surges on this route.

“There are seven regular petrol stations available at the Trans Java toll road rest area in our operational area, between KM 252 to KM 519. Three petrol stations in Toll Road A (Jakarta to Surabaya), namely at KM 379, KM 429, and KM 519. The other four petrol stations are on the Toll Road B (Surabaya to Jakarta), namely at KM 519, KM 389, KM 360, and KM 260," said Brasto.

Moreover, for rest areas with no petrol stations, Pertamina also provides 16 additional fuel filling service points in the form of Pertashop and Modular Petrol Stations, specifically operating from April 20 to May 11, 2022.

“10 of them are on Toll Road A, namely KM 252, KM 275, KM 287, KM 338, KM 379, KM 391, KM 456, KM 487, KM 519, and KM 538. While the other 6 points are on Toll Road B, at KM 538, KM 519, KM 487, KM 456, KM 294, and KM 282," he explained.

Brasto added that Pertamina also alerts Pertamina Motorists if it is needed to serve refueling when there is a queue, especially at the KM 429A, KM 260B, and KM 360B petrol stations.

"If needed, we will also mobilize Pertamina Motorists who are on daily duty in Pertamina Delivery Service (PDS) to break the queue during refueling," said Brasto.

To anticipate if there are consumers who run out of fuel in the middle of the toll road, Pertamina has prepared a standby car, which is a car that carries fuel in packaged form.

"There are three standby trucks prepared at 3 points. It includes the Tegal Toll Exit petrol station, the Weleri exit petrol station, and the KM 519B Rest Area petrol station. Consumers only need to contact the Pertamina Call Center at 135," he added.

Pertamina has also prepared additional stock in tank cars that are fully loaded and placed at several petrol stations, known as Pocket Petrol Stations. It is to anticipate a surge in demand at petrol stations.

"Especially on the Trans Java toll road, we have placed seven pocket petrol stations including Rest Area petrol stations KM 379A, KM 429A, KM 519A, KM 260B, KM 360B, KM 389B, and KM 519B."

In addition to fuel filling facilities, Pertamina also provides additional services of health posts at several points on the homecoming route. The command post is called the Pertamina Standby House.

"We provide health posts at 4 points of the Trans Java toll road, including KM 379A, KM 519A, KM 260B, and KM 519B petrol stations. The post can be used by consumers to rest if they feel tired during the homecoming trip."

Pertamina Standby on the Non-Toll Regular Route

Besides the Trans Java toll road, Pertamina also provides services and fuel filling facilities on the regular or non-toll homecoming routes.

"The facilities and services we have prepared in every regular homecoming route include petrol stations, motorbikes, pocket petrol stations, to Pertamina Standby Homes," stated Brasto.

The Pantura route which crosses several district cities from Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang, Kendal, Demak, Jepara, Kudus, Pati, Rembang, and so on, has 122 petrol stations. Six are available for Pertamina Motorists, and nine are Pouch petrol stations. Pertamina Siaga houses are also available on the Pantura homecoming route, namely at the Al-Fairuz Mosque petrol station, Pekalongan.

The Central Line that crosses several district cities starting from Brebes, Tegal, Banyumas, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Temanggung, Magelang, Sleman, Klaten, Yogyakarta, Boyolali, and so on is available 96 petrol stations. Eleven are available for Pertamina Motorists, and 12 are Pouch petrol stations. Pertamina Siaga houses are also available on the Central Homecoming route, namely at SPBU 4453101 Ajibarang, Banyumas.

The Southern Line that crosses several district cities from Cilacap, Banyumas, Kebumen, Purworejo, Kulon Progo, Bantul, Gunung Kidul, and so on, has 60 petrol stations. Six are available for Pertamina motorists, and 7 are pocket petrol stations.

On the Pansela route, which runs along Daendels Street, there are 16 petrol stations, three of which are Pertamina Motorists.

"For information about the nearest Pertamina products and services, consumers and the public can use the Pertamina Call Center at 135 or the MyPertamina application," said Brasto.**

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