
Pertamina Lubricants Launches 'Pay Electricity with Waste,' a Collaborative Program for Environment

Gresik, March 21, 2022 – PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Commercial & Trading Subholding of Pertamina that manages the lubricant business, through one of its lubricant factories, the Gresik Production Unit (PUG), shows its commitment to protecting the earth by launching the Pay Electricity with Waste Program on Thursday (17/3), in Sidorukun Hamlet, Kertosono Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency.

The program was inaugurated directly by the Regent of Gresik, H. Fandi Ahmad Yani, accompanied by the Manager of PUG PTPL, Setyo Nugroho, Member of the DPRD Commission B of the East Java Provincial Government, Gus Iwan Junai, Head of the District Environmental Service of Gresik, Mohammad Najikh, Head of Sidayu Sub-district, Nuriadi, Head of Kertosono Village, Mohammad Hazir Sya'ban, Head of Sidorukun, Hamlet Tristianto, ASOBSI (Indonesian Waste Bank Association), TDA (Tangan Di Atas) Community, and Gresik Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis).

Pay Electricity with Waste is a social innovation that was born from people's ideas as an effort to reduce waste. This program was inspired by PTPL's previous CSR program, namely Drinking Coffee with Garbage, modified to Pay Electricity with Waste. Each house is required to register its family as customers at the Cinta Bumi Waste Bank, then the collected waste can later be exchanged for electricity payment tokens for daily needs.

The management of this program is carried out by the Cinta Bumi Waste Bank in Sidorukun Hamlet, Kertosono Village, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency as a pilot project with customers of 200 families and the waste collection system is carried out by pick-up (homecare).

“The Pay Electricity with Waste Program is an extraordinary social innovation, and this program cannot be carried out alone. Therefore, thank you for the collaboration and commitment from PT Pertamina Lubricants and the Environment Agency, who continue to support Gresik Regency in the waste reduction program. Perhaps this is the first program in Indonesia. Hopefully, this synergy can continue to run well. We hope that similar programs can be replicated in other areas,” said Regent of Gresik, H. Fandi Ahmad Yani.

Member of the DPRD Commission B of the East Java Provincial Government, Gus Iwan Junai, said the Provincial Government is committed to supporting this program and similar programs. The Government will also allocate the council's idea funds for building construction and the necessary tools for community-managed waste management. 

"We have consistently implemented programs to develop potential waste management through innovations such as Drinking Coffee and Paying with Waste, then Pay Electricity with Waste in Gresik Regency. We play an active role in training, mentoring, and assisting the waste bank so that the program runs optimally," said the Manager of PUG PTPL, Setyo Nugroho.

Pay Electricity with Waste Program is one of the programs that aim to invite the public to be more concerned about waste and the environment. It is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) no. 12 regarding Responsible Consumption & Production and SDGs no. 13 related to Climate Change Management. It is also in line with Pertamina's commitment, namely Energizing Community & Environment.**

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