
Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku Continues to Tighten Subsidized Fuel Supervision

Jayapura, November 6, 2023 - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku is stepping up its surveillance efforts to combat subsidized fuel misuse that contribute to significant losses. This step was taken to minimize misappropriation, such as hoarding of subsidized fuel by irresponsible people. Edi Mangun, Area Manager of Communications, Relations & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku, stated that they continually monitor fuel distribution and calculate fuel stocks in each area according to the applicable quotas at each petrol station.

"During every distribution, we adjust the stock at each petrol station and constantly monitor which petrol station adheres to the rules," he added.

During an inspection on Thursday (11/02) at four petrol station locations in the Jayapura City area, indications of subsidized fuel misuse by industrial and project sectors, as well as subsidized fuel misuse through QR Code purchases, were discovered.

"We have suspended one petrol station engaged in fuel misuse in Jayapura City by giving sanction of suspending the Biosolar fuel distribution for one month in September, and we have blocked a total of 201 vehicles’ QR Code," said Wicaksono, Sales Branch Manager in Jayapura.

Wicaksono explained that the public can still access Biosolar fuel from other petrol station in Jayapura. "This suspension is our way of taking action against petrol station suspected of abusing subsidized fuel to serve as a deterrent," Wicaksono said.

Edi Mangun added that Pertamina is committed to ensuring that the public receives fuel supply, especially the subsidized fuel for those eligible. "Potential acts of hoarding have been handled. It has been mapped out who would behave like that. If they are still reckless, there will be strict sanctions from the authorities," he said.

Edi urged the community to participate in monitoring to prevent irregularities, such as hoarding subsidized fuel. The public can report any suspicious behavior to the relevant authorities or to Pertamina. "In my opinion, the community can assist by reporting when they see, find, or hear of suspicious behavior to the relevant authorities," he emphasized.

Finally, Edi also mentioned that they will continue to collaborate with stakeholders, including the Local Government, the TNI/Polri (Indonesian National Armed Forces and Police), and petrol station entrepreneurs, to take legal action against fuel misuse to prevent it from happening repeatedly. "We continue to collaborate and coordinate to eradicate the subsidized fuel misuse," he concluded.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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