
Pertamina Patra Niaga's Contributions for the Sulawesi Community

Makassar, January 14, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi has proven its commitment to continue to bring energy and bring energy closer to the community. Following the tagline "Energizing You," Pertamina strives to provide energy for the community, not only through various program initiatives to bring energy closer to the community, but Pertamina also empowers the community to be independent. 

Extend Energy to Remote Areas

As a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), Pertamina has a big responsibility to provide energy in all corners of the country. From big cities to sub-districts, from rural areas to reaching 3T areas (frontier, outermost, and remote), all have the right to get equitable energy. Therefore, Pertamina is not merely a pursuit of profit, but to revive energy in the Republic of Indonesia.

As we know, Indonesia is known as an archipelagic country and has the most difficult energy distribution challenges in the world. There are still several locations in remote parts of Indonesia that have not felt easy access to energy.

For this reason, one of which is to make energy close to the community, the government has launched the One Price Fuel program. In this One Price Fuel program, Pertamina is given the mandate to ensure the availability of energy, especially the availability of fuel in the outermost, leading, and underdeveloped areas (3T). Previously, this 3T area was an area that had not been touched by energy access at all like in other areas due to the location with difficult access.

Sulawesi has the geographical characteristics of islands and several mountains. Therefore some areas are isolated because access to other places is blocked. After all, the terrain is quite extreme or is far enough apart from the mainland. It does not dampen Pertamina's steps to bring energy to the area at the same price as that enjoyed by people in urban areas.

"With the distribution challenges and the various challenges they face, Pertamina does not give up. It becomes a motivation to wholeheartedly serve our brothers and sisters throughout the Republic of Indonesia," said Area Manager Comm, Rail & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Sulawesi Region, Laode Syarifuddin Mursali.

According to Laode, reliable supply and distribution of energy in various sectors are like the lifeblood that will drive the economic activities of the community, industry, and government. A strong country is a country with energy resilience, and independence.

In this context, Laode added, Pertamina has the task of maintaining state sovereignty through energy distribution in all corners of the country. In 2021, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi has added 10 points of One Price Fuel, so the total location of One Price Fuel since 2017 in Sulawesi is 31 points.

In addition, to expand energy access in 2021, Pertashop and OVOO (One Village One Outlet) programs are also carried out.

Through the OVOO program, Pertamina ensures closer access to LPG bases for the community. Pertamina expands the PSO LPG sales channel, which is targeted to reach all sub-districts to urban villages, especially areas where there are no distribution points. It is recorded that as many as 8,594 villages/districts in Sulawesi already have LPG bases. Almost 100% of all villages/subdistricts in Sulawesi have access to LPG bases.

Apart from OVOO, Pertamina continues to develop innovations to increase access to fuel purchases for rural communities, Pertamina continues to expand the reach of Pertashop points in Sulawesi. Currently, there are 253 Pertashop points in Sulawesi.

"Pertashop is one of Pertamina's service breakthroughs to open energy access for people in rural areas by providing One Stop Pertamina Shopping Outlet products, namely BBM, LPG, and Lubricants. Pertamina wants to bring fuel services closer to every village," said Laode.

The Pertashop and OVOO programs will impact the economic development of rural communities. Communities in rural areas who have had difficulty accessing fuel and LPG as well as other Pertamina products will be easier to reach. It will impact the economic development of various business actors in rural areas such as farmers, fishers, workshops, home industries, and more.

Making New Achievements, Patra Niaga Sulawesi Receives First Gold PROPER Award

Not only energy access, both Fuel and LPG, will be expanded by Pertamina Patra Niaga in Sulawesi. Even in 2021, through social innovation and community empowerment around its operational area, Pertamina Patra Niaga provides the most beautiful gift for the people of Sulawesi by successfully obtaining the highest award in Indonesia in the field of environmental compliance and community empowerment through one of its operational areas, namely the Aircraft Filling Depot (DPPU). Hasanuddin in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, receives the Gold PROPER award.

The government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), regularly annually rolls out a company rating program (PROPER) based on its compliance with environmental aspects, does not pollute, and save energy to provide benefits and establish good relations with the surrounding community through its CSR program.

It should be noted, a company that carries out a good CSR program for the surrounding community is entitled to a Green PROPER title. If it has been achieved for 3 consecutive years without dropping out, the company is entitled to be nominated as a Gold PROPER candidate, the highest award given to companies that not only obedient to the environment but through social innovation can provide significant added value to society. The assessment is carried out independently by the PROPER Board consisting of experts representing several elements, namely the Press, Academics, Environmental Observers for Women and Children, as well as Public and Consumer Policies.

"This PROPER award is proof that Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi CSR is not just a charity giving donations/assistance then finished. However, the program is more towards social innovation which is carried out through measurable social mapping, research on social innovation that has received affirmations from several universities and technology centers as well as good relations with the community to create creating shared value (CSV). Of course, this is an acknowledgment of the public and the government that our CSR is real" said Laode.

The Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, appreciates Pertamina DPPU Hasanuddin, who succeeded in setting a record as the first company to win PROPER Gold in the region. His party, through the Provincial Environment & Forestry Agency, always encourages all companies to do what Pertamina has done, which is to create environmentally sound development. "On behalf of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, I am very proud and congratulate Pertamina DPPU Hasanuddin as the first PROPER Gold-winning company in South Sulawesi. Hopefully, this achievement can push towards a better South Sulawesi and can be imitated by other companies here," said the man who was born These bones.

In addition, through its social innovation program, Pertamina Patra Niaga Sulawesi Region also won the Green PROPER award for the operating area of the Makassar Integrated Terminal, Bitung Integrated Terminal, and Pare-Pare Fuel Terminal.

Not only that, in 2021 Pertamina's CSR Award, namely the La Tofi Nusantara CSR Award for the Probiotic Application CSR program to Support Food Security belonging to the Hasanuddin Aircraft Filling Depot (DPPU) in Maros which won awards in the category of Program Integration for Broad Impact and School CSR programs. Confident Child belonging to the Makassar Integrated Terminal who won an award in the Education Quality Improvement category and won the 3rd Place Social Pillar award in the TJSL (Environmental Social Responsibility) event and the 2021 CSR Award by BUMN Track.

In addition to receiving recognition for the social programs carried out, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi in 2021 also received the Patra Nirbaya Karya Utama award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for achieving more than 16 million safe working hours without losing work days due to accidents based on the Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy No. 516.K/38/M.PE/1989 dated May 29, 1989. There are also several certifications, including the Implementation of ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System and ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 for supply & distribution implementation in Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi.**

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