
Pertamina Plaju Refinery's Commitment to Increase HSSE Generative Culture in the Refinery Environment

Palembang, March 10, 2023 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit III Plaju (Pertamina Plaju Refinery) is determined to implement Occupational Health and Safety (K3) aspects in every activity, especially in the work area or refinery operations.

General Manager of Pertamina Plaju Refinery, Yulianto Triwibowo, said the commitment to implement HSSE was not only carried out during national K3 Month but also on other days.

"The 2023 National OHS month commemoration is one of the momentums for ourselves to be self-aware to improving and realizing the HSSE Generative culture and implementing it sustainably, following the commitment to implementing the HSSE Golden Rules, Compliance, Intervention, and Care," he said at the closing ceremony or The National K3 Month Gernas Closing Ceremony held at Aneka Field, Sunday (05/03/2023).

The K3 Month Gernas Closing Ceremony is an implementation of the AKHLAK Values, namely Competence because it is an important value from the HSSE aspect that Pertamina workers must possess.

On the closing ceremony sidelines, Yulianto also invited the workers and their families to pray together for the safety of Pertamina's operational areas.

"Let's pray together that our refinery and all Pertamina units are maintained so that they can be one of the proud SOE," he explained.

Present at the Gernas K3 closing was the Head of the Palembang City Manpower Office, Drs H. Koimudin, SH. MM.

Koimudin explained that there are three things needed to create decent workers. First, the availability to people of productive age, including those with physical disabilities and gender jumps. Second, all workers are socially protected, including those involved in this activity.

"Finally, all workers can channel their aspirations through a social dialogue system that is strict, dignified, and humane," he explained.

He added that to realize decent workers, the Indonesian government had issued Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning risk-based licensing.

"Work accident numbers from year to year are decreasing. It is hoped that the company's HSSE can further reduce the number of accidents for the coming years," he said.**

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