
Pertamina Plants Trees for National Tree Planting Day

Makassar, November 30, 2021To participate in the National Tree Planting Day, which falls every November 28, the Ministry of SOEs, together with several SOEs, holds a ceremonial Tree Planting Program simultaneously in 7 locations in Indonesia. The activities were carried out in Lake Toba, Riau, Lampung, Jakarta, Malang, and Makassar.

In Makassar, the activity was held at the Center Point of Indonesia, with Pertamina as the coordinating SOE. Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, gave his speech in a live relay from the Office of the Ministry of SOEs. Also present were Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, Executive GM of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi, Agus Dwi Jatmoko, and Acting VP CSR SMEPP Pertamina, Dian Hapsari Firasati.

Erick symbolically planted red shoots and tabebuya in the courtyard of the Ministry of SOEs Building. The Acting Governor of South Sulawesi planted Ketapang Kencana at CPI together with Forkopimda and Nature Lovers Students. 

Erick Thohir said that this activity is a collaboration through the TJSL Program to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievements. Namely, number 13 (Climate Change Management) and number 15 (Land Ecosystem Sustainability). It is implemented by prioritizing the principles of accountability, being integrated, directed, and having a measurable impact.

"The impact of planting trees will make the air cleaner, reduce global warming, absorb air pollution, help achieve the zero-emission target by 2060, and answer the issue of decarbonization," said Erick during his speech.

In the SOE Tree Planting activities, the National Tree Planting Month was also launched. There is also a Tree Donation by SOE employees was also carried out as an implementation of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2008 concerning Indonesian Tree Planting Day. The SOE Minister also invited all SOE Ministry employees and SOE employees to make donations for tree planting.

The Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Andi SudirmanSulaiman said in his speech that the Indonesian Tree Planting Day should not only be a routine warning. It is a vehicle to increase our awareness to care and pay great attention to environmental functions preservation. "On behalf of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to PT Pertamina Patra NiagaRegional Sulawesi. Thank you for assisting the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in environmental conservation efforts that will provide economic benefits, health, and quality of life for the community," said Andi Sudirman.

Executive GM Pertamina Patra Niaga Sulawesi Agus DwiJatmoko in his speech said that tree planting activity in Makassar City will have as many as 1,000 tree seedlings. It includes Ketapang, Kencana, Kurma, and Tala plants, which will be planted for Taman Firdaus in the CPI area.  It is a form of the contribution of Social and Environmental Responsibility given by Pertamina.

"We are collaborating with the Provincial Government of South Sulawesi, the Mapala brothers, and all related parties, and we are monitoring this planting together to increase green open space in Makassar and South Sulawesi," said Agus.

It is not the first time Pertamina has planted trees in South Sulawesi Province. From 2020 to 2021, the CSR / TJSL Program from DPPU Hasanuddin in Cindakko Hamlet, Maros Regency, has carried out the same program with more than 24,000 trees planted. Nationally, Pertamina carries out environmental conservation efforts in every area of ​​Pertamina's operations.**

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