
Pertamina Provides Business Capital and Coaching, Handmade Sabina Collection Bags Increasingly Attracted by Consumers

Jakarta, April 4, 2021 - Some businesses can start with the unexpected. For example, from trial and error to become pursued seriously and end up as an earning. This impression is often found in the partners of the Pertamina Partnership Program. After joining Pertamina, most businesses will continue developing and becoming upgraded micro and small enterprises (MSEs).

This impression was conveyed by one of Pertamina's partners, Sri Dewi Yana. The Sabina Collection business, located at Kompleks Pondok Surya Blok IV No. 139, Medan, started with the owner’s free time. "At that time, my husband was working overseas. I had nothing to do, so I tried making bags for my children," she said.

Who would have thought many glanced at the bags she made. One by one, orders began to arrive. Dewi started getting serious in the business by participating in many bag sewing training in Java. "That's where I got a lot of input and ideas to make my bags are better, more durable, and have the newest model," she added.

Sabina Collection bag product variations have also increased. She produces many bags made of canvas, linen, cotton, and synthetics. Now, the business that started in 2015 can be categorized into an upgraded MSE. Several criteria of an upgraded MSE have been achieved. One of them is production machines addition, which was initially only 1. Now, there are five portable sewing machines at her business.

Human resources addition followed this development. Dewi now employs as many as four housewives to help her business. This effort is one of the implementations of SDGs' 8th goal: to provide work and support economic growth. "I hope that with Pertamina's assistance, my business can expand and hire more people," she said.

Dewi used a variety of ethnic motifs such as ulos and woven fabrics. She also uses materials from burlap sacks to give her products a unique appearance. Therefore, it looks elegant and vintage. Its products have also been marketed in almost all parts of Indonesia-covering the provinces of North Sumatra, East Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, East Java.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto added, Pertamina fully supports the business undertaken by Dewi. According to him, this business will continue to grow globally, mainly because it has Indonesian characteristics. "Through this Partnership Program, Pertamina wants to provide the energy that drives the economy-energy that becomes fuel, as well as the energy that produces sustainable growth," he said.

Apart from implementing SDGs, Pertamina also strives to implement ESG, especially in the social sector. ESG or Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Management is the company's step in running its business that focuses on long-term business sustainability. In this way, Pertamina is confident that it can consistently generate economic benefits in the community following environmental and social responsibilities.**

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