
Pertamina Provides Free Vaccination for the Elderly

Balikpapan, March 28, 2022 – Through the elderly vaccination program, Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan seeks to support the government in establishing herd immunity against the Covid-19 pandemic. Following this, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan, which manages the Sepinggan DPPU as one of the aircraft fueling sub-business units, also provides health support specifically for health workers at the Sepinggan Health Center through extra food assistance and medical equipment support.

Vaccination support for the elderly is targeted by the Sepinggan DPPU CSR with the Balikpapan Health Office because the vaccination accession for the elderly in Balikpapan is still around 80%. Moreover, it also aims to support the central government's policy to accelerate vaccination to create herd immunity and support the community's economic recovery. Vaccination for the elderly is focused on targeting the elderly who are in Ring 1 of the company. It was carried out with the Sepinggan Health Center on Saturday (26/3), located at the Sepinggan Health Center. More than 350 people in Ring 1 DPPU Sepinggan were involved in the vaccination of both the elderly and the general public.

The Head of the Balikpapan City Health Office, Andi Sri Juliarty, said, “We support and appreciate the Elderly Vaccination activity in the CSR collaboration of DPPU Sepinggan. These activities are very helpful for the government in accelerating vaccination. This vaccination focuses on the elderly because we see the vaccinations accession for the elderly that only reached 80% participation compared to general vaccinations, which have reached more than 100%. Vaccination for the elderly is important because if you are exposed to the elderly with comorbid, it can be a serious risk. For that, let us succeed the elderly vaccination carried out in collaboration with the CSR DPPU Sepinggan.”

The Village Head of Sepinggan, Bambang Subagya representing three sub-districts around ring 1 of the company, expressed his appreciation and support. "Representing three sub-districts, we are grateful that this morning we received a booster vaccine from the collaboration between Pertamina and the health office, in this case, the puskesmas. This booster vaccine in addition to supporting the booster also supports our health in preventing the covid 19 virus exposure. We are grateful to the DPPU Sepinggan for all the help and support from companies, especially us who are in ring 1 of the company," he said.

To attract participants over 60 years old as the target for booster vaccination for the elderly, Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan provided 100 food packages for 100 elderly who registered. The goal is to attract the interest of the elderly to be vaccinated, food packages are also given to the elderly from the lower middle class during this covid pandemic. Apart from this assistance, Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan also provided extra food and support for health workers in the form of vitamins, masks, and hand sanitizer for the Sepinggan Health Center. This support is to assist health workers at the Sepinggan Health Center in providing health services for the community.

"We from Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Sepinggan assisted 100 elderly people who participated in vaccinations. This assistance was given as a form of our commitment to support vaccination activities, especially vaccination of the elderly. We also provide support to health workers at the Sepinggan Baru Health Center in the form of support for extra foodi and vitamin packages," explained Heri Ashari as Operation Head of Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan.

Area Manager Comm, Rail & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan Region, Susanto August Satria, on a separate occasion, said that Pertamina supports the acceleration of government programs such as in the Sustainable Development Goal point 3, which is to ensure a healthy life and improve the welfare of all residents of all ages. "With the integrated collaboration between companies and the government, it is hoped that it will increase spatial coverage and protect vulnerable communities," said Satria.

His party also explained that this activity is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (TJSL) programs in the Health sector. "Approaching Ramadan, it is hoped that people will be more protected and can carry out prayers and stay in touch comfortably because they have been protected with booster vaccinations. However, always pay attention to health protocols wherever we are to protect loved ones from the COVID-19 virus," he stated.**

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