
Pertamina Records an Increase in Consumption of Fuel, LPG, and Avtur on Christmas 2021

Semarang, December 30, 2021 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java recorded fuel, LPG, and Avtur consumption increase on Christmas 2021. To be precise, during the period 23-26 December 2021, especially in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

It was stated by the Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region, Brasto Galih Nugroho, in a press statement in Semarang, Wednesday (29/12).

"Compared to October, the average daily fuel consumption increased by 6% from 19,492 KL/day to 20,655 KL/day, and LPG increased by 3.1% from 4,358 MT/day to 4,493 MT/day. Meanwhile, Avtur also experienced a significant increase of 54% from the normal period of 104 KL/day to 160 KL/day," said Brasto.

According to Brasto, Pertamina had anticipated a spike in fuel demand with the Christmas and New Year's Task Force (Satgas Nataru).

"During the Nataru Task Force, we have alerted all Pertamina product distribution facilities, both regular and additional services in several areas that focus on Christmas and New Year's Day, one of which is the Trans Java Toll Road," said Brasto.

Nataru Task Force services are available in several rest areas of the Trans Java Toll Road, especially in Central Java and DIY from KM 252 to KM 519, including seven regular public fuel filling stations (SPBU) and 8 Pertashop points or Modular gas stations.

"The service is available in a standby condition and sufficient stock, both on the Jakarta-Surabaya toll road (Line A) and the Surabaya-Jakarta toll road (Line B)," he said.

Brasto explained that the increase in fuel consumption on the Trans Java Toll Road was one of the highest increases during the Nataru Task Force.

"At petrol stations on the Jakarta-Surabaya toll line A, the average daily fuel consumption increase reached 33.7%, from 230 KL/day to 307 KL/day. Meanwhile, on the Surabaya-Jakarta toll road B, fuel consumption increased by 25.5%, from 206 KL/day to 259 KL/day. This increase is compared to the normal daily average in October," concluded Brasto.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in Central Java

In the Central Java region, the increase in fuel consumption during Christmas 2021 compared to October was 6%, from 17,347 KL/day to 18,382 KL/day. Meanwhile, the increase in the average daily consumption of LPG was 3.6%, from 4,358 MT/day to 4,493 MT/day.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in DIY

In the DIY region, the increase in the average daily consumption of fuel during Christmas 2021 compared to October was 6%, which was initially 2,144 KL/day to 2,273 KL/day. Meanwhile, the average daily consumption of LPG did not experience a significant increase at 463 MT/day.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in Solo Raya

In the Greater Solo area (Klaten Regency, Boyolali Regency, Wonogiri Regency, Sukoharjo Regency, Sragen Regency, Karanganyar Regency, Solo City), the increase in fuel consumption during Christmas 2021 when compared to October was 3.2%, which was initially 3,675 KL/day to 3,793 KL/day. Meanwhile, the average daily consumption of LPG did not experience a significant increase at 819 MT/day.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in Tegal Raya

In the Tegal Raya area (Tegal Regency, Tegal City, Pekalongan Regency, Pekalongan City, Brebes Regency, Batang Regency), fuel consumption during Christmas 2021 compared to October increases 7.5%. It was initially 2,372 KL/day to 2,549 KL/day. Meanwhile, the average daily consumption of LPG increased by 8.7%, from 625 MT/day to 679 MT/day.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in Banyumas Raya

In the Banyumas Raya area (Banyumas Regency, Cilacap Regency, Purbalingga Regency, Banjarnegara Regency), fuel consumption during Christmas 2021 compared to October increases 3.3%, from 1,908 KL/day to 1,969 KL /day. Meanwhile, the average daily consumption of LPG increased by 2.2%, from 538 MT/day to 550 MT/day.

Increased Consumption of BBM and LPG in Kudus and its Surroundings

In the Kudus and surrounding areas (Kudus Regency, Pati Regency, Jepara Regency, Blora Regency, Rembang Regency, Grobogan Regency), fuel consumption during Christmas 2021 increases 8.5% compared to October, which was initially 3,181 KL/day to 3,453 KL/day. Meanwhile, the average daily consumption of LPG increased by 5.8%, from 578 MT/day to 612 MT/day.

For information about products and services from Pertamina, the public can contact the Pertamina Call Center service at 135 or through the MyPertamina application. They can also go through the website www.pertamina.com.**

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