
President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, together with Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Angkie Yudistia, and Vice President CSR & SMEPP of Pertamina, Arya Dwi Paramita, while visiting the Rumah Kreatif BUMN booth during the Soft Skill Improvement event for Friends of Disabilities held at Patra Bali Resort and Villas, Bali on Saturday (19/06/2021).

Pertamina Roadshow Improves Skills of 120 Friends with Disabilities in 4 Cities

Jakarta, June 28, 2021 – Since the beginning of June 2021, PT Pertamina (Persero) has continued to conduct roadshows in Indonesia to improve the skills of friends with disabilities. Roadshows have been carried out in 4 cities that are centers for fostering Pertamina's disabled friends, namely Bandung, Boyolali, Banyuwangi, and Bali.

In the roadshow, Pertamina collaborated with the Special Staff of the Presidency of the Republic of Indonesia for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia. Pertamina has conducted soft skills training or skills improvement and assisted 120 friends with disabilities. Most recently, training was given to 35 friends with disabilities in Bali on Saturday, June 19, 2021, held at The Patra Bali.

The skills training roadshow for friends with disabilities is strengthening Pertamina's various Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) programs that have been carried out continuously. Pertamina has built and nurtured friends with disabilities to have access to education, are economically independent, and network with the outside world.

The impact of this sustainable program has been the creation of disability empowerment groups, business management and marketing incubation, marketing innovations for fostered products through the Marketplace platform (Online Shopping Applications), business innovations for the Dreamwork Laundry Program, and educational facilities for the batik class community.

In addition, Pertamina has also developed innovative teaching and learning programs during the pandemic and helped build communication innovations for deaf friends, residents of Kolok Bengkala Bali, who can make artificial weaving with motifs using sign language. They can also make weaving and incense as well as perform the Anguci Starling dance, where they can dance accompanied by traditional music.

Pertamina has also helped nature schools with the sensory development of Children with Special Needs and assisted four copyrights of batik artworks from friends with disabilities.

Thanks to these various empowerment programs, friends with disabilities can be more independent. Within a year, friends with disabilities recorded an income of up to IDR 404 million and attracted 750 tourists from Belgium and the Netherlands.

President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, said Pertamina as a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) not only runs a business but must carry out social functions through the CSR program.

"In carrying out the TJSL program, Pertamina has four pillars, namely Pertamina Cerdas, Pertamina Sehat, Pertamina Hijau, and Pertamina Berdikari. We run all these programs sustainably," said Nicke, who was present at the soft-skill improvement of friends with disabilities at The Patra Bali, Saturday (19/6/2021) with the board of directors.

According to Nicke, Pertamina also encourages and supports the government in implementing the Social Development Goals (SDGs), the 4th point regarding the provision or promotion of inclusive informal education. The 8th point, sustainable economic improvement, and the 11th point, maintaining cultural heritage.

Special Staff for the Presidency of the Republic of Indonesia for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia, said the government, in this case, cannot work alone. We must synergize with its stakeholders, one of which is Pertamina. 

"I appreciate Pertamina and its fostered partners who are directly embraced by the community. This is a very extraordinary step to inspire other SOEs and the private sector to continue to develop the potential of young people, MSMEs, and involve disabilities in them," said Angkie.

According to Angkie, friends with disabilities can contribute a lot to advancing the economy during this pandemic. With various coaching and skill improvement programs, friends with disabilities can show their potential.**

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