
Pertamina Runs Child Stunting Fostering Program in Medan and Deli Serdang

Medan, July 8, 2022 - To support family health through PHBS (Clean and Healthy Living Behavior) and nutrition fulfillment, PT Pertamina (Persero) provided house flipping and specific nutritional interventions to 40 family heads in Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency.

Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & SMEPP Management of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said Pertamina with the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and the Indonesian Armed Forces, carried out the Child Stunting Foster program. The program is in the form of house flipping and specific nutrition for families at risk of stunting.

"There are a total of 40 houses in the Medan City area, Medan City, and Deli Serdang Regency which will benefit. Especially in the sanitation section so people who have stunted children can grow healthily," said Fajriyah at Medan Merdeka Square while attending the 29th National Family Day Commemoration event 2022 (Harganas) on Thursday (7/7/22).

Pertamina was committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. This Child Stunting Fostering Program supports point three of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding improving family health quality.

"The program is also part of the Pertamina Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL), SEHATI (Healthy Children and Mothers) program to support fulfilling family nutrition, aligned with the government's target of accelerating the decline in stunting prevalence by 14 percent in 2024," Fajriyah said.

Pertamina has also provided Integrated Healthcare Center and maternal and child nutrition health access to 33,222 beneficiaries. It includes 16,587 toddlers who received nutrition treatment and supplementation, 163 stunting toddlers received nutritional treatments, 143 Integrated Healthcare Center received the Pertamina SEHATI program, 1,476 people received access to clean water and 470 families received access to PHBS supporting facilities.

Fajriyah hopes that this contribution will help communities in Medan and Deli Serdang. Thus, beneficiaries can gain access to clean sanitation and increase children receiving more aid.

"We also hope to replicate the Child Stunting Care program in other regions in Indonesia," she said.

Previously, this assistance was given symbolically by Fajriyah with the Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut to Putut Andriatno who received the assistance on Wednesday (6/7/2022).

According to Putut, Pertamina Patra Niaga also plays an active role in the Children Stunting Foster Program and assists underprivileged families.

"I hope that the community will participate in supporting Pertamina's business continuity. Thus, in the future, Pertamina will continue to advance and contribute more to the community," Putut said.

Meanwhile, Erlina, as a beneficiary in Belawan Bahari, said she was delighted and grateful for the assistance provided by Pertamina. The conditions in Elina's house were concerning, especially when it rains, the house submerged.

"When it rains, my house is submerged, so I cover it with a tarp to let it rain. I am very grateful to Pertamina for helping my house and my child," Erlina said.

In addition, Belawan Bahari Village Head, Sonang, appreciates Pertamina's program. He hopes that in the future, Pertamina will be more successful. "On behalf of the people of Belawan Bahari, we would like to thank Pertamina for its concern for the residents. Hopefully, Pertamina will be more successful," Sonang said.**

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