
Pertamina's Millennial Employees Organized Trauma Healing for Children

Jakarta, April 1, 2021 - PT Pertamina Refinery Unit IV Balongan millennial employees invite children within the evacuation camps to play Badut Bung BEN and Hola Hop. Bung BEN is Pertamina's mascot which stands for Bangkit Energi Negeri (BEN).

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations, Agus Suprijanto, said inviting children to play in the around evacuation camp is an approach to alleviate trauma or trauma healing for children after the T-301 Tank incident at Balongan Refinery.

"Apart from trauma healing, we expect children will remain cheerful and happy through fun education," said Agus.

Agus added, more than ten millennial employees have volunteered and became members of trauma healing program. During the activity, children are invited to move, jump around and play to gain fresh air in the morning.

Aldano, one of Pertamina's millennial employee, said that trauma healing activities were held in the morning between working hours.

"We are concerned about this incident, and we symphatized with the affected communities. Hopefully, the fire will be extinguished soon, and the community can gather with their families at home," said Aldano.

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